Channel Master 1M (or 1.2M) dish...

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SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
May 6, 2005
Metro New Orleans, LA
Been a lurker in these forums for quite some time, but upon reading PopcornNMore's posts concerning his Channel Master 1.2M dish, I had to register and jump into the threads :)

I just purchased a used Channel Master 1M dish (I imagine its just like Popcorn's except for size). Mine included the three poles that form the LNB arm assembly as well as the LNB holder. It's a black plastic part with what SEEMS to be a standard 40mm neck mount. The only thing that concerns me is that this dish normally comes with a separate feedhorn and LNB with (presumably) a C-120 flange interface.

Is anyone here familiar with this line of Channel Master dishes? If so, is it possible to use a regular one piece LNBF (integrated feedhorn LNB such as Invacom or Fortec) with this mount? Again, it looks to be a 40mm mount, but I don't know if the "dish to mount" distance would work with anything other than the separate feedhorn made for it...

Also, Popcorn, if you have a flat roof (which my backyard shed fortunately has), you could mount your dish on a non-penetrating roof mount with a 2 3/8" pole. That mount came with my dish (dish and NPRM mount for $125 local pickup) and is what I'm using. The elevation over azimuth pole mount on the back of this dish is really cool, you fine tune your elevation with a socket wrench! VERY accurate :)

Thanks Iceberg :)

I can't get any shots of it until (probably) tomorrow, but it is very similar to this:

OOPS, can't post a link yet, but there's one on FleaBay... It can be found by searching for Channel Master 1.2 Satellite Dish.

Only the one on FleaBay is a 1.2M, probably exactly what Popcorn has. Mine is a 1M. Notice also the roof mount, very handy :)

Sounds exactly like the 1.2 I have in my rec room right now.. Does this have a cast-aluminium az-el pole mount with a screw elevation adjustment? or is this more like the normal, run of the mill winegard-style mount?
Welcome Tron

I was able to get the measurements and a parts list I needed from several documents I found online for the Channel Master 1.2M dish. My upcoming project will be to create a mount and feed assembly for these dishes and then paint the dishes. As I progress I will be posting pictures and information showing the results.

I also got 3 Channel Master "StarChoice" dishes that need feed assemblies. I will be creating these as well.
Ultatryon, yes it has the AZ-EL mount which is adjusted by turning a bolt to the right or left with a wrench or socket (I suggest a socket :) )

WJMorales, you'd also need the three "poles" that hold the LNB holder in place in front of the dish. I have ordered a Fortec single .4 LNBF, just for testing the mount on the Channel Master, since it was cheap ($17). When it arrives, I'll mount it on my Channel Master and post the results here.

I've never tried to aim at a KU bird, much less with such a large dish, so it'll be a new experience. I can hit DBS birds rather easily with 18 inch dishes, and have an old DTV dish next to the Channel Master pointed at 119W for the music channels and NASA. It'll be nice to see more, I'll be pointing the 1M at G10R :)

Popcorn, I hope you find the poles you need. You might be able to fashion something out of pipe, but you'd have to know the length of the poles. I could measure mine, but that probably won't help you since I have the 1M and you have the 1.2M. You might try e-mailing the guy selling one on FleaBay. Looking forward to your pics, I'll try taking some myself tomorrow...

I know the feed support pipes are galvanized .75" OD, but I do not know their length. I am going to check Home Depot to see if they sell pipe this size. I can then cut them to the desired length. If anyone has a Channel Master 1.2M dish and could give me their measurements, I would really appreciate it.
This is the feed support clamp I am looking for:


  • feedboss.jpg
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Yep, that's what is on mine. It looks to be a standard 40mm clamp. There are two bolts on the top of the clamp, one on each side, to secure the feedhorn. The middle pole is fixed into the clamp, and the other poles bolt into it from both sides.

The only question now is whether or not the separate feedhorn that is supposed to be clamped to that mount can be replaced with a standard LNBF. If the distance to the dish is the same, it should work...

Will know once my KU LNB comes in. I'm going to fix this dish at 123W and HOPE Equity leaves those channels there !sadroll

Tron said:
The only question now is whether or not the separate feedhorn that is supposed to be clamped to that mount can be replaced with a standard LNBF. If the distance to the dish is the same, it should work...

It may work and probably will, but probably will not give optimum performance. Remember the feedhorn is optimised for the dish and it's shape and F/D ratio. Therefore, if you could aquire a right proper feedhorn for the dish and use a C120 flange LNB with that feedhorn youd likely get best performance. Invacom makes a C120 LNB. Also the Primestar and DirecPC LNBs mount to a C120 flange. If you find the feedhorn and could perhaps pick up a cheap DirecPC LNB on ebay or somewhere, that might make a good combination. I'm using a DirecPC LNB on my 40 x 30 oval primestar and it works quite well. The advantage of the DirecPC LNB is it uses 13/18v polarity switching and has a single output. Although there were a few Primestar LNBs that were the same way, those were quite rare. Most of the old Primestar LNB had separate horizontal and vertical outputs.
Wow, great link Popcorn! Just thinking how nice the FTA hobby must be in Europe :) Look at all of the stuff they carry!

Looks like you were right, Stefan. A 40mm can be used, but the separate feed (optional) is more efficient. Well, I'll use the cheap Fortec for now until I can find the feedhorn, then go for a twin Invacom C-120 :D

Not entirely sure the last link is for the three "poles" that hold the LNB, which you are looking for. I think they might be referring to the actual AZ-EL mount that mounts the dish to the 2 3/8" support pole.

Great links, it's the shipping on the reflector that kills the out of town deals on this dish.

Searching around the New Orleans area, I see plenty of these Channel Master dishes (both 1.0 and 1.2M) everywhere. I saw one today on the roof of a doctor's office... by eyeballing it, I'd say it was pointed somewhere between 80W & 90W. It had the separate matched feed pictured in your second link (the $99 one). I think this is the feed that will accept both H and V polarities at the same time... not sure that the $50 one will...

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