Channel 9467 (NHL CI HD)


Professional Amatuer
Original poster
Supporting Founder
May 20, 2004
Spokane, WA
Since I live in Colorado, will this game be blocked in HD in my market this evening? I ask becuase it is not in the program guide, but it is on the E* schedule online.
You should be blacked out since you're in market. I see this HD game in my EPG. If you don't have "zero" with a line through it on the info screen, you may get lucky and you won't get blackout.
Bummer, the game is not in my EPG, my EPG goes from 9486 to 9900. Too bad for me. So, by that logic ... it is probable that the will block all the local HD games on Altitude TV also. Way to go NHL, nothing to resurect a dead league like blocking all the premire games!!!

I think Gary Bettman is a @#!*& &^%$## ^%$$# *(&^%%$ ^%$#$%# ^%$^$ ^%$# **** @*@@

styxfix said:
You should be blacked out since you're in market. I see this HD game in my EPG. If you don't have "zero" with a line through it on the info screen, you may get lucky and you won't get blackout.
I see a screen that say Congratulations, You have Dish 500 ... maybe I'll get lucky.
Center ice games in HD will be on 9467, NOT 9767.

Check the HDPPV channel 9467 for any HD CI games.

OLN/VS games will be on 9463 if they ever decide to do those. The did for the playoffs last year.
Funny story, There is a typo on the Dish website it still says 9767 ... I tried 9467 what I presume to the the right channel from the post above, and I get game not available. But alas, no shocker there, the first of 37 HD Colorado Avalance games on Altitute is not until October 8th!!! So until Sunday it does not matter to me before then and I doubt the wife will let me watch THAT game becuase it conflits with Sunday Night Football.
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yes I noticed they made that typo a while ago..

is any who live in the minnesota territory getting the game?

because last year dish blacked the home market out and I'm wondering if they still do.

they really shouldn't black the game out cause it's your rsn. But I guess they can't handle 2 codes on 1 channel, in that case they should mirror the game on another channel
Blacked out in MN...this is weak. How much longer do we have to wait for the RSN's in HD??

I'm officially starting a, "fix the software issue" fund for E*. Who'd like to be the first to donate??


I think thats tomorrow. As ticked I was that they missed showing opening night in HD, I stand corrected. The games on looked great and the Avs/Wild was so exciting I wouldn't have wanted to flip between that and another.
Sharks are HD over on D*, I am watching on channel 95. Did E* throw up an HD feed for any of the games yet? Otherwise it looks like no NHL or NBA HD until E* puts the RSN HD feeds up.
I'm watching it on DirecTV right now but my 622 shipped from Dishstore today so the swoosh dish comes down this weekend.
Is D* showing all the RSNs in HD for CI subscribers?

Dish really better not be screwing with the paying customer. I f'in swear, their CI schedule shows HD games up until Tuesday when the free preview ends. No HD is scheduled for Wednesday, and probably won't be on but once a week. They'll show it every night and then pull the plug for what reason?
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oggusfoo said:
Is D* showing all the RSNs in HD for CI subscribers?

Dish really better not be screwing with the paying customer. I f'in swear, their CI schedule shows HD games up until Tuesday when the free preview ends. No HD is scheduled for Wednesday, and probably won't be on but once a week. They'll show it every night and then pull the plug for what reason?

Direc only had 2 games in HD tonight, I'm shocked they did. Last year they showed some games in HD on channel 95 and abruptly stopped come January, until the playoffs.

The uplink reports show Dish with multiple CI-HD channels so that's why I'm switching, Direc's bait and switch.

I respect you being a fan but what the hell is that on the Atlanta sweater? I have Blue Jackets season Tix but hate the CBJ logo, the stylized Ohio flag on the third Jersey is much better.
I don't think the Thrashers are using this one in '06-7. It either was a rad looking "T" or what a flying thrasher looks like from above after you've eaten mushrooms. And, to me, the logo you mentioned looks like the old CFL Barracuda's logo, again if you were hallucinating.
is the main one and is on the shoulders of the avatar.

I love having the choice of home or visitor, although flipping back and forth there was enough of a delay that it was difficult to tell if there were different camera angles or just different commentary and scoreboards. Any thoughts?
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Sharks just got screwed on video replay!

I remember magic mushrooms (!), nut that was way before the Thrashers or Blow Jackets.


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