Here at SatelliteGuys we listen to you our members. In our supporting pub members are we have a special section called the "SatelliteGuys Advisory Council" all supporters are part of this special advisory board.
We have heard their cry for splitting the HDDVD & Blu-Ray Disc forum into two seperate forums, and will soon be making this change.
In addition I am asking our staff to closely monitor these areas to cut down on the flame wars from fan boys of both formats.
From where I sit BOTH formats provide consumers with an EXCELLENT High Defition presentation. And BOTH formats also have their own flaws.
Here at SatelliteGuys we are working to embrace both formats.
Its like soda, some people like Coke, others like Pepsi, some like both and others drink only water. What you like is your choice, please don't pick on others because they like something that you may not prefer.
We will be making these changes in the next few days!
Our thanks to our advisory council members for their feedback!
We have heard their cry for splitting the HDDVD & Blu-Ray Disc forum into two seperate forums, and will soon be making this change.
In addition I am asking our staff to closely monitor these areas to cut down on the flame wars from fan boys of both formats.
From where I sit BOTH formats provide consumers with an EXCELLENT High Defition presentation. And BOTH formats also have their own flaws.
Here at SatelliteGuys we are working to embrace both formats.
Its like soda, some people like Coke, others like Pepsi, some like both and others drink only water. What you like is your choice, please don't pick on others because they like something that you may not prefer.
We will be making these changes in the next few days!
Our thanks to our advisory council members for their feedback!