Yes it is and hope we get some goodies and they show us some love with some new stuff
I hope they Don't give us NEW stuff ...
Too much garbage already bogging things down ...
Just send some kind of new software down the pike to speed things up and make run smoothly and I'd be happier than getting New stuff.
I agree with that we need to get the bugs out first but new stuff is always nice
Problem is, New stuff generally leads to more bugs to work on.
I wish they're play around with the setting and come up with a way to lock the front panel. My 11 month old keeps changing channels, changing the resolution, etc. (I do yell no and get him down but he's right back up there again doesn't know the word no yet haha)
Problem is, New stuff generally leads to more bugs to work on.
That said, my HR24's are working pretty well ... then again, I don't have all the "other" stuff going on with them ... MRV and whatnot.
And doesn't wipe out my favorites...Notes are up, nothing revealing hopefully "it just works".
i did the ce tonight hope you tube and pandora show up.
I wonder why it is, some recvrs lose them and others don't ...
I rarely ever lose mine.
I take it you don't have it in an entertainment center behind doors !
You should be able to turn the ring of lights off, that will actually turn all the lights off except the Power light... if he doesn't see the panel lit up, maybe he won't mess with it.