Chado said:
Is it time to go back to the Monroe/Adams Doctrine?
No things can stay the same if people would have their concerns in the right order. When people care more about banning gay marriage than health care we have a problem and a big one. That disconnect doesn't just end with the above example but stems out deeper into things like war and protection. Right now the USA has a big problem because people are believing everything they hear without questioning anything. They could be given four different stories to the same event and not even notice this.
What London is seeing today and what we might very well see in the future is all being caused by Bush's pre-emptive war that has never been done in the United States history. I supported Bush going into Afganistan but I don't support him going into IRAQ. People still believe and fight with me today that the people involved in the trade center attacks are from IRAQ. Now yes Suddam is a very bad man but just because he was a bad man doesn't mean we should go on a pre-emptive war in Iraq while telling the american people that they did the attacks which they didn't.
I wonder if we never had an attack on us would we allow Bush to enter in a pre-emptive war in Iraq because Suddam is a bad guy and say to the people that they have WMDs and once all hell broke loose in the war we start to question the WMDs and next thing we know we believe his new story which is we want to free the people of Iraq. Again I'm all for freeing people all over the world.
At least the people in Iraq with Suddam weren't afraid to leave their houses, they had a striving middle class among many other things. Granted things weren't perfect but things are much much worse for them and will be getting worse.
It just seems like nobody in this country reads and history book because these type of events aren't new and have been done before. Because most people in this country don't study history they can't see these patterns that those of us who know history can.
The US citizens are in part responsable for everything we wen't through because some of this we allowed because of our own stupidity. Granted what I'm saying doesn't apply to all americans but it does apply to many and I know I'll get blamed and flamed for saying this but the truth hurts. Our health care problems are indeed our own fault because we actually believe that HMOs are better for us and those Harry and Loiuse ads made us believe that by voting in nationwide healthcare would limit the amount of doctors we can see when the truth is the opposite. That is another example of our own stupidity has hurt us and its our fault as people for allowing a change without questioning if it was the truth or not.
Edit...and just to make sure I'm not for or against one political party or another. I'm not for or against Bush Jr. nor any President in the USA. With that said that doesn't mean I can't be against what a President does or doesn't do. I have many things that I think Bush Jr. did well with many things I think he handled badly. The same goes for Clinton but right now Bush Jr. has done many more things that I think are very bad compared to any president in quite a while. Even Bush Sr. did more good than wrong in my views but Bush Jr. sure isn't his father that is for sure.