CBS-HD moving to 110 anytime soon?


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Original poster
Feb 18, 2004
I just installed my 811 with full assurance that I would receive ALL HD content on my Dish 500 system. Well, apparently "all" doesn't include CBS. Dish offered to set me up with the 2nd dish and switches for another $200. When I asked the support person if CBS-HD would be moving the answer was "not sure". Anyone have a better answer?
Yea, I installed a "Big Ugly Antenna" in my attic yesterday because of CBS-HD. All my locals now come in with around 85 to 92 signal strength! I now get all my locals in HD when available and they look alot better OTA than my locals do on my 811. If my wife didn't need locals on our 2nd tv I would drop the locals package and use OTA only. Well worth the trouble for the better picture quality. :D
According to my contacts, there are "no plans" to move CBS HD to 110 or 119.

CBS HD will soon be switching to 8PSK mode on the Wings to conserve space.
I highly doubt CBS will ever move off the wings, due to only a percentage can qualify

They are probably going to use the wings for locals..the areas that SD 105 doesnt work, or due to the way the DMA is set up, or no spotbeam capacity available....hey, that sounds like a good reason for Duluth :)
What about all the wings for HD Locals like LA and NY and other majors.

THere should be room for 5 Major cites there.

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