OK, I am OFFICIALLY proud of m'self (and I don't get THERE easily).
Blind scan on the Conaxsat DUO is "Painful," I have mentioned this before, if I set the scan rate at 4Mhz, it takes about 55 (fifty five) minutes to blind scan, and the chance of missing channels is pretty good. If I set it to 2Mhz, it doubles the scan time. As I say, PAINFUL.
Reading that Ice has good quality, and daddyzlod increassed Q, and Lak7 want's me to blind scan (again), I started playing around a bit, and here's what I discovered.
I can add TPs. And even better, I can edit SR's. WOW.
I looked at what I had scanned yesterday and here's what I discovered. The "old" TP was 3844 with a SR or 12406, the new TP (after an hour of Blind scanning) was 3845 with an SR of 15156.
Hmmm mmm mmm ... wonder what would happen IF .....
I changed the SR on 3844 to the new SR of 15156, and WHOO HOOO, S95, Q95 (big pat on his back) and I figured this out with the help of Ice and daddyzlod when they didn't even know they were helping me. (big smile).
Hey, if it's THAT easy, I am off to find RTV (snicker ... as IF .....)