I have two problems running my XM Roadie in my company van that I drive. First Problem is that the vans factory radio's volume control is broken and stuck at the same level, can not adjust volume up or down and can barely here it with road noises when driving on the express way, turning the audio up on the Roadie does not help much. Second problem is with the FM modulator built in to the electrical adapter plug, all the available FM frequencies here in Chattanooga TN are either taken up by a local station or are experiencing bleed over from an adjacent local station and bleeds through at times, sometime completely over powering my XM signal. I also have another power adapter and a cassette adapter except my company van does not have a cassette player, my personal car does but not the van, AM/FM only. Any sugestions? I have seen the cradle with built in speakers for XM receivers and one from Crutchfield but these are much more money then I am willing to spend at this time. Any cheep self powered speakers available out their that I could use to plug in the Roady directly too and then use the regular electrical adapter for power? Or a cheap and small boom box with cassette player that I could place on the dash of my Ford E250 van.