Can't record or use skip buttons on CBS CS HD

Tony S

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Lifetime Supporter
Sep 7, 2003
Hills of Eastern CT
Yesterday, I tried to record a basketball game on CBS CS (HD channel 152). It appeared to record OK, but it would not play back at all. I noticed this during half-time, so I tried a front panel reset. After the unit booted, the same thing happened. The second piece of the recording would not play back either. The only way to watch this channel was live.

Then it got even stranger. When viewing this channel live, I cannot use the skip back/ahead buttons on the remote. If I skip back, the bar on the screen shows that it skips back to the beginning of the buffer (instead of skipping back 10 secs). Every time I press skip ahead, it skips all the way back to live TV (instead of 30 secs ahead).

I just tried this channel now, and I am still having the same problems. There is no way to record this channel, and there is no way to skip back/ahead. Is anyone else seeing this? I have the top 250 programming package and all my other channels seem to be OK.
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This has a familiar ring to it, from several years ago, though I can't remember exactly what it was.
OK, I just recorded 15 minutes of Flag Football. My 722 on Western Arc recorded all 15 minutes of it. I was able to skip ahead, fast forward, skip back, and reverse. Then I went live for 2 minutes. I was able to do all the same steps. Nothing wrong here.
I just experimented with it.I did a recording and went back to watch it.It seems to be working on my end.I used the skip forward and back buttons also.I have AT250,HD platinum and have a VIP722
Thanks Bobby. That is really strange. I am on Eastern Arc with a 722. Can anyone on Eastern Arc confirm this issue?

Right now, if I view live TV on CBS CS HD, I cannot use the skip forward/back buttons on this channel. It works like I described it in my earlier post.
Have you tried resetting or unplugging your receiver?I would try that and see what happens.If that doesnt fix it you might have a bad harddrive that is failing.This is a guess only.
Have you tried resetting or unplugging your receiver?I would try that and see what happens.If that doesnt fix it you might have a bad harddrive that is failing.This is a guess only.

I have tried a front panel reset 3 times now, but I have not tried unplugging yet. What is really weird is that this is the only channel that has this problem, the rest are fine. Are you on Eastern Arc?
If it comes to be the receiver I would go to dish website and get the protection plan added to your account.If you dont already have it.I t could save you some bucks on getting another receiver...
I have tried a front panel reset 3 times now, but I have not tried unplugging yet. What is really weird is that this is the only channel that has this problem, the rest are fine. Are you on Eastern Arc?
I have 110,119,129
try unplugging it for about 2 mins.Its helped me before... oh but straight from the wall.If you have it plugged into a surge protector you will need to unplug it from it..
Thanks everyone for your replies. So far, everyone that does not have this problem is on the Western Arc. Does anyone with Eastern Arc see this problem?
Yes, I have tried recording other channels and they all work normally. All of the other channels also do not have the skip back/forward problem when viewing them live. Right now, viewing CBS CS HD live, I cannot use the skip buttons. They behave like I described in my 1st post.
I am on EA and I also have this problem. If I pause channel 152 for any period of time it will jump to live TV when I take it off pause too. I have unplugged the unit for a few minutes and plugged it in without any change in this problem.


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