I connect the brand new MyBook Essentials 500G to my 622 using USB and nothing happens. I go to "manage my device" and I get the message that it is not supported. If I disconnect it I get a message saying "you have disconected a USB device" . If I re-connect it I get a message saying you have connected a multimedia device, would you like to mange it's contents, I hit yes and nothing happens.
I did activate the EHD with Dish, spoke to tech twice but it still will not work. Did hard and soft reboots on the receiver and I also hooked up the HD to my computer and it works fine. Any thoughts?
I did activate the EHD with Dish, spoke to tech twice but it still will not work. Did hard and soft reboots on the receiver and I also hooked up the HD to my computer and it works fine. Any thoughts?