Can't get it and I ain't happy!!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 21, 2004
I just wanted to vent...Ive been a Dish customer for several years, and have had everything from thier basic receiver, and then upgraded to the webtv one (remember that one?) and currently have the pvr system.

Although I have always had to pay these upgrade prices around 200 bucks a pop while new subscribers get all the new stuff I realize this is part of it. What I am not happy about is I just got my first HDTV, and was pumped about getting HD finally and of course I called Dish about getting a HD receiver (currently new subscribers get one free as thier choice), and I have to pay 200 for one, but not only are they out of them because of the promotion I have to be put on a waiting list till the middle of next month.

Its gets even more frustrating when they tell me I can call the reatailer I got my first system from, and I thought o well I can do that, but he sold out to and works for someone else now and that someone else says he cant sell me the upgrade because of my original purchase from the guy who now works for him, but I can pay for the full thing (400 bucks) yea right!!

I think I will switch to voom. No contract and for 90 bucks a month I get all of thier programing and an HD receiver, with 30 plus HD channels including all the premiums!

Im sure gonna miss my pvr though (thank god I have a dvd burner)!
Did you try Many people claim quick success after emailing their frustration about obtaining an 811. Also, I believe it's only $149. (Some people paid $99, maybe long-time subs?)

Personally, I'd wait until they get the 811 ironed out a little more, if you're gonna pay for it. Then again, go for Voom, if you get a good view of 61.5. Remember that ALL of your locals will be OTA. Voom doesn't broadcast sat. locals.
Stalker, are you expecting Dish to give you free equipment upgrades for life? Do you think Voom or DirectTV do this? How much money do you think they make on your subscription? (Hint, not enough to pay for equipment upgrades.) They often give us discounts only when it means we'll upgrade programming (to HD, to PVR, to locals, etc.).
Well, it seemed that way, then he seemed to complain. I mean, some people really do get upset that upgrades cost them money. I'm not sure they get the whole business-for-profit thing ....

I was in the same boat as you. A month ago I was able to upgrade from 2 legacy receivers to:

1 811 HD receiver
1 510 DVR/PVR
1 301 receiver

for $99 installed ( 1 year commitment)

Note: I am a Digital Home Advantage customer (lease)

To speed up 811 delivery e-mail the CEO and mention that you are a valued customer.

I have the 811 and it is a piece of crap. There are so many problems that Dish Network knows about it is ridiculous. I am currently trying to figure out how to get out of my 1 year commitment with the 811, due to all the problems. I left Directv for this crap. Be warned.
I still don't understand all the problems with the 811....oh yeah, I remember....I live in the friggin boonies and don't get OTA so I bypass most if not all of the glitches....good to be a mountain man sometimes I guess!

although, I miss seeing OTA HD.......bummer!

Recording probs...sometime only a couple minutes of the program?!?

Reactivate 501?

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