I haven"t been able to find a way to make the Hopper's Guide or DVR Recordings Listing larger print. On the 722k you had a choice of the font size and that worked well for my wife who has difficulty seeing the smaller font. Although it is nice to see 3 hours in the listing, she would rather have a 2 hour listing and be able to read it well. The same is true with the DVR Recordings Listing. The graphics are nice, but again, the font is small. For someone with vision problems it would be nice to have the option to change the font size.
I have checked through the menus and can find nothing, or am I looking in the wrong place? Please don't say, "move closer to the TV."
I have checked through the menus and can find nothing, or am I looking in the wrong place? Please don't say, "move closer to the TV."