Videocipher II (VCII) is the older encryption system that disappeared around 1993. It could be hacked so the broadcasters came out with Videocipher II Plus (VCII+). Shortly thereafter they came out with Videocipher Renewable Security (VCRS). VCII+ and VCRS have a better encryption system and, as far as I know, has not been completely hacked. You can tell the difference between a VCII+ module and a VCRS module by looking on the unit and seeing if it has a smartcard slot. If it does, it is a VCRS. I have never had to use a smartcard to make it decode properly. You can also tell the type of module by the series number on the unit. It will be something like A029 or A040 or A0A1. I have about 30 modules laying around and here's what I found.
A010-A019 series - Videocipher II
A029 series - Videocipher II Plus
A020, A040, A041, A0A1, A0A3 series - Videocipher RS
As far as colors go, here's what my inventory looks like.
Black - A019 - Videocipher II
Blue - A029 - Videocipher II Plus
Dark Blue - A020, A040, A041 - Videocipher II RS
Pink - A029, A040, A0A1, A0A3 - Videocipher II Plus or Videocipher II RS
Pink half with Blue half - A029 - Videocipher II Plus
So colors can determine which type module you have except if it's pink. This is probably more than you wanted but now you know. Have fun.