I live in Buffalo and work for installs inc. I really really really would love to see an install done. I know how the whole thing works, I know how the receiver works, I know what it looks like, I know what a satellite dish looks like and I could tell you a dozen reasons your receivers, diplexers, coaxial, or dish are not working. I know where to look up tons of troubleshooting junk... (thank you satellite guys, you are among the various internet websites which help me perform my job better) but I want to actually go on site and do it mysel. or help. or just watch. I'm not gonna just start randomly calling Buffalo installers to watch them install voom... so... do I have to get it myself?? which i don't have the money for... or is anyone who frequents here a buffalo installer?
By the way, we've been trying to get work-fieldtrips where we go out with the installers, it just hasn't happened yet....
...one of the voom people who care...
By the way, we've been trying to get work-fieldtrips where we go out with the installers, it just hasn't happened yet....
...one of the voom people who care...