Bowling making a comeback?

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Jul 20, 2005
Northern VA
I haven't bowled in years. I've watched the number of bowling centers decline. Now I'm hearing of a new one that is just about to open.

Anyone know if it's making a comeback?

Anyone know where I stashed my bowling ball?
I doubt it, but I could be wrong. It seems to me that HDTV, videogames (PS3 and XBox), and the Internet will keep potential bowlers out of the gutters. IMO, as the old-timer bowlers die off they won't be replaced in equal numbers by the Gen-X crowd. The best source for information would probably come from the U.S. Bowling Congress, but you would probably have to do your homework and sort through all the propaganda since they are advocate organization. Personally, I haven't been bowling in years and most of my friends and associates no longer bowl.
Detroit is the bowling capital of the world, and the sport is in decline here. Our USBC numbers are twice of the nearest area, (I think Cleveland). I'm waiting to see how the new smoking ban hits bowling in Detroit this fall. Being a smoker, I wont like this. I stopped bowling in two tournaments that I used to bowl in Ohio because of their ban on smoking. BTW, last years average was 205.
IIRC, the highest I ever got was around 200. Usually, around 120. Gee, I wonder if I even remember how to score?
Sorry I missed this thread earlier - navy, your scores are right in line with mine! My highest was 189 and I had a 188. The closest to those were in the 160s, IIRC. I gave it up some years back. Now that I had my rotator cuff repaired I should probably try it again. Heck - maybe I'll even be able to improve some!

We take the scout troop bowling at least once a year and they are enthusiastic about it. But after at most 3 games, they've had enough. No "all nighters" in that crowd!

Scoring is completely automatic now of course. Team members merely enter their names at the beginning and the 'puter does the rest - except clear jams of course, but I'll bet they have a robot in the works to take care of that as well. Now if she'll only bring me a beer...!
I used to bowl every week, the problem was that they changed the start time in my league and I could not afford to leave work that early to go.

Whats really pissing me off about the Bowling alleys lately is that they are all trying to cater to the younger generation. They are installing all these neon colored lights, black lights and synthetic lanes.

The problem is that it just doesn't work for me. First of all the synthetic lanes are a bunch of crap. The Ball behaves differently on the lane, and you don't hear the same sound as the ball is going across the maple lane. The fancy lights and music seem nice, but I prefer to not to listen to it.

The smoking ban is great :)
The fancy lights and music seem nice, but I prefer to not to listen to it.

Bowling establishments do not have the music and lights going during league play. I even bowled in the city tournament this year and they paused the entire tournament because some person started up the jukebox.
In New England (those six little states just to the right of New York), we used to have a lot of candlepin bowling lanes. My ex business partner, now deceased, had a candlepin league average of about 117, which was near world (small world) championship caliber. In the Boston suburbs, they had and still have a few Duckpin lanes. Duckpins look like undersized tenpins, whereas candlepins of course, look like candles. A "B" league candlepin bowler might average 100 per string, whereas a duckpin league bowler might average closer to 110.

When I was in the sixth grade, my father was in a store league that rented two adjacent lanes for a few hours on its league night, so he and I would get to bowl a practice string for free before the league competition started. Then, I would hang around the pinball machines and get to play the leftover games of all the bowlers who got called back for their next 5-frame "strip" before their pinball game credits were exhausted. Good deal for me (we were of modest means, to put it mildly).

One night, my father's team was short a man, so under league rules, his team had to post a "dummy" score of 80 pins per string, and they let me bowl in that turn for free, even though my scores didn't count. In the first string, I was actually high "man" for my father's team, bowling my then lifetime high score. The father of the owner of the bowling alley, who was a Greek immigrant, got on the public address system and announced, "You're attention pleeeze. Leetle AntAltMikie has a just beat his daddy, 110 to 109!". The next string, I scored a more normal 71 and began inauspiciously in the third, but then I marked in three of the last four frames, so the next message over the PA system was, "Leetle AntAltMikie has a just beat his daddy again, 104 to 99!"

My father was mortified and stopped taking me bowling after that.
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