I liked it.... but I don't think it's quite as omgFUNNIEST MOVIE EVER!! that everyone seems to be making it out to be. It's funny. Very funny. But really, I think I found Jackass 2 more entertaining.
i would have to say for me its right up there with ARTHUR. that was , is? my favorite comedy. need to see BORAT a few more times. never saw the jackass movies herd they were great.
He have it now, not sure if it lasts long if he will be brave enough to accept kazakhi invitation. I'm pretty sure there're will be enough reckless ppl to cut it .
yes, i was thinking the same thing!! cant belive what he does!! did not see the balls though( not bitching about that though! LOL)
im in st louis. in the film they showed here they had a black bar around his....ah, mister happy and pals. did the film you saw have the same thing?? again, not bitching about seeing his thingy!! LOL