bluray movie startup delay


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Aug 2, 2009
Is it just my player or is it normal to have a couple minute delay before anything plays from the BD?
Some players take longer than others, particularly older players. I'd be surprised if your player was taking longer than a minute, though. So some extent, it may also depend upon the particular BD title. Which model do you have?

Any particular reason you posted a Blu-ray question in an HD DVD forum?
Some of it could be BD live attempting to download new content.

Also some disks have a complex copy protection system to go through too.
Some players take longer than others, particularly older players. I'd be surprised if your player was taking longer than a minute, though. So some extent, it may also depend upon the particular BD title. Which model do you have?

Any particular reason you posted a Blu-ray question in an HD DVD forum?

Sony BDP-S350 If I posted to the HD-DVD forum, my apologies.
OPPO BD-83 model and PS3 will be your fastest players. They are about equal in speed, with some disks OPPO is slightly faster.

I've had some BD take as long as 4 minutes on my samsung player only take 20 seconds from disk insert to menu ( absent the previews) on a PS3 or Oppo even with BD Live.

Speed was my first reason to buy the Oppo.

The software updates are automatic on the Oppo and on my PS3 and Samsung, the process is manual. I think the Oppo constantly polls the internet connection for most recent updates on it's own. The PS3 will often have a delay on a new disk where it asks you if you want to load an update. The Samsung doesn't ask it just locks up requiring a power reboot, then you check and most times no new update is available yet. :(

I think the speed of cheap BD players is the one negative experience people will have compared to regular DVD.
I load the disk first then go collect my popcorn and beer. I usually make it back to my chair just as the FBI warning is clearing the screen...

more sammy 1200 issues

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