Got DISH last week and just logged on to take a look at my bill and my head almost exploded.
What I expected:
HBO, Starz, Platinum HD free for 3 months.
Cinemax .01 for 1 year
Free upgrade to 722 reciever (after mentioning DirecTV and coaxing a CSR)
$50 credit on first bill
$34.99 monthly for TurboHD /w locals, and of course x2 since it's my first bill. So I was expecting to pay $20.
What I saw:
A $50 automatic draft from my credit card
a $54 balance
a $10 charge for platinum HD
a $50 charge for the 722
a $10 chage for no phone/boradband
So after trying chat and getting frustrated with the slowness, I gave DISH a call. I decided to tackle the Platinum HD first. The regular CSR couldn't even do this and he said he saw no notes so he couldn't give it to me. I told him a CSR promised this when I ordered and I wanted to speak to a supervisor.
10 minute hold for supervisor.
Supervisor immediately caves on the Platinum HD. I then move on to the $50 upgrade fee. She puts me on hold and then comes back and says she see no notes about this. I tell her of course not, why would they notate that? Originally when I first ordered, they wanted to give me a 622 or 612 or something but I told them DirecTV would give me a top of the line receiver, and after a few minutes the CSR obliged and said I would get a 722 free. The superviors again says she didn't see this noted, but as a 1 time courtesy she said she would give me a $25 credit, or half. I thought this was even more ludicrous because it's like admitting you're wrong and then stiffing me $25. I held strong and told them if they didn't give me $50 then I would start a chargeback on my card and they could pick up the receiver on the curb. After she saw I wasn't going to shut up about it, and a brief hold, she gave me $50.
Then on to the the no phone/broadband charge. She couldn't fix this and transferred me to tech support. They had me initiate a manual call out. Hopefully it will be gone from the next bill.
So in the future, do I need to start recording my phone calls with DISH? Is this the norm? Promise whatever it takes to get a customer, don't note it and and then say "Too bad" after the contract is signed?
The fact that I had to waste an hour of my life getting this straightened out is bad enough, but what set me off is when she offered half credit. I just don't understand that mentality.
What I expected:
HBO, Starz, Platinum HD free for 3 months.
Cinemax .01 for 1 year
Free upgrade to 722 reciever (after mentioning DirecTV and coaxing a CSR)
$50 credit on first bill
$34.99 monthly for TurboHD /w locals, and of course x2 since it's my first bill. So I was expecting to pay $20.
What I saw:
A $50 automatic draft from my credit card
a $54 balance
a $10 charge for platinum HD
a $50 charge for the 722
a $10 chage for no phone/boradband
So after trying chat and getting frustrated with the slowness, I gave DISH a call. I decided to tackle the Platinum HD first. The regular CSR couldn't even do this and he said he saw no notes so he couldn't give it to me. I told him a CSR promised this when I ordered and I wanted to speak to a supervisor.
10 minute hold for supervisor.
Supervisor immediately caves on the Platinum HD. I then move on to the $50 upgrade fee. She puts me on hold and then comes back and says she see no notes about this. I tell her of course not, why would they notate that? Originally when I first ordered, they wanted to give me a 622 or 612 or something but I told them DirecTV would give me a top of the line receiver, and after a few minutes the CSR obliged and said I would get a 722 free. The superviors again says she didn't see this noted, but as a 1 time courtesy she said she would give me a $25 credit, or half. I thought this was even more ludicrous because it's like admitting you're wrong and then stiffing me $25. I held strong and told them if they didn't give me $50 then I would start a chargeback on my card and they could pick up the receiver on the curb. After she saw I wasn't going to shut up about it, and a brief hold, she gave me $50.
Then on to the the no phone/broadband charge. She couldn't fix this and transferred me to tech support. They had me initiate a manual call out. Hopefully it will be gone from the next bill.
So in the future, do I need to start recording my phone calls with DISH? Is this the norm? Promise whatever it takes to get a customer, don't note it and and then say "Too bad" after the contract is signed?
The fact that I had to waste an hour of my life getting this straightened out is bad enough, but what set me off is when she offered half credit. I just don't understand that mentality.