Big Problems with Ch. 286 Showtime Preview


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 12, 2004
First of all , there are major audio dropouts through the broadcast. Secondly, there is no electronic program informaton, so it is difficult to know what is playing and also difficult to record anything good on the preview Showtime channel.

Has anyone else noticed the audio problems??
I have not experienced the dropout problem. As for the guide, I just go and look at the actual showtime channel (318?) to see what is on.
That is what a manual timer is for. Is this the regular Showtime that is showing in free preview mode? How long will these current channels be showing?
Stargazer said:
That is what a manual timer is for. Is this the regular Showtime that is showing in free preview mode? How long will these current channels be showing?

it will be switching every few weeks.
I think this is a very good thing that they are doing. This may help reduce churn as this gives some customers that has a lower package a different variety every once in a while. If they see a show that they just gotta see each week then they will see people upgrading.
It's a little strange that they're mixing channels together so blindly. When showtime is in free preview, you know anything goes and can allow your kids to watch or not watch. Now they may be watching the free preview of discovery kids and the free showtime is only a few channels away...Kids are curious and will want to see what else is free.

I can see why people who are in lower packages like this, but if this is what Dish is focusing on in terms of making the customers happy (while auditing like crazy and HDlite goes on, and the boxes have new buggy software, etc...) it concerns me.

Pick something and focus on it...
If there is no EPG data for that channel then that means that the ratings limit will not work for those preview channel. Is this the same for those free movie packages that we got not long ago without any info available?
mitchflorida said:
First of all , there are major audio dropouts through the broadcast. Secondly, there is no electronic program informaton, so it is difficult to know what is playing and also difficult to record anything good on the preview Showtime channel.

Has anyone else noticed the audio problems??

I have MANY audio dropouts, it's almost unwatchable.
This is exactly the same as the movie-package free previews, no info and you have to set manual timers because it's broken into 3 8-hour blocks a day, not even show by show...It's like "Here's the channels, f*ck you..."
Purogamer said:
This is exactly the same as the movie-package free previews, no info and you have to set manual timers because it's broken into 3 8-hour blocks a day, not even show by show...It's like "Here's the channels, f*ck you..."

they aren't letting you see the channel for free so you can record the damn thing, they are offering it so you can see what is offered and then subscribe to the channel if you want it,. If the movie is that important, then head out to blockbuster or netflix and buy the f*cking thing! You make it sound like the channel is owed to you for some reason! In a couple weeks it will be gone and another will be in it's place. Deal with it!
if they are going to play games with these "free channels" they should cancel them altogether. I have a 522 receiver and on Tuner 1 the sound is being interrupted constantly with audio dropouts. I watch the same show on tuner 2, and the dropouts go away.
It's not like i'm recording everything, but there's a movie on at 3am and I won't be able to watch because i'm at work, I guess I should have to upgrade to watch a movie that they're giving me for free already? Either give it to us, or don't. This halfway crap is kinda lame. If it wasn't ever available i'd upgrade, when they give it to me free from time to time I have no reason to upgrade...

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