For me I am having the opposite effect. Ever since I changed out my original lightning modem and added phone service and was giving this Ubee modem it has been nothing but garbage. The wifi was completely unusable if you were more then 10 ft away (my son had to bring his xbox to the living room to play live) and am having constant slow downs and lags. Often I will go 2-3 mins without being able to get any site to load then it just will pop up and run smooth for another hour. Then other times I will just get frustrated and get off the PC. (So in a way its helpful)
I did go to the office and replace the UBEE for another ubee... At least on this one the wifi works fine but still having the connection issue. Maybe one day I will call and have it checked out when I get the time i guess.
For the record I hate this ubee and miss my old modem. Never had a problem with it, I forget which one it was though..