Must be a Tampa thing. I dont really ever notice. Of course I dont really ever watch commercials either. Thank goodness for DVRS
If you dislike them so much maybe you should consider another provider..
I am in Orlando.
...And jcarra on your matter I dont have the problem in Orlando either nor do I hear others complaining. Perhaps it is just your area and you may want to record it on your DVR and have a tech come out and get a complaint going. It can be area specific because there are ad servers for each area. So east Orlando can see different ads then say west etc..
I will try to do the DVR'ing. Actually, I have not heard one in a few days--maybe it has corrected. Then again, not all of them were 'offenders.' I'll keep a look out and try the recording.
Do you think an on-scene tech would know what to do with a "loud" program? Sounds out of his league to me (i.e., a political decision at the recording site), or server operations are not his baliwick.
Finally, it is probable that I am more sensitive to this than most people. Young folk are used to loud concerts, blasting ipods, etc.
I stopped visiting this site because every other post was this jcarrera guy ranting EVERY time. I guess much hasnt changed here.