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New Member
Original poster
Nov 29, 2007
I'm new to FTA and bought a new receiver thinking my DTV dish would work. Could someone point me to the right thread to get help on how to set up my syetem or a guide for FTA Dummies.:)
I'm new to FTA and bought a new receiver thinking my DTV dish would work. Could someone point me to the right thread to get help on how to set up my syetem or a guide for FTA Dummies.:)

You're in the right place, I suggest to read and search. Most of your questions have already been asked. Look at the stickies above most of the forums too.

Welcome as a new member here and to this hobby. Feel free to join in the discussions.
Yes, absolutely! Welcome to the forum.

To better help you, let us know:
- roughly where you are
- what FTA receiver you got
- what sort of programming you wanted to receive

All the answers are already posted, but sometimes it's hard to know what key word to search on.
We can point you toward all sorts of good info, ideas, and reading material.
You'll be an expert in no time. :rolleyes:

I'm from Post Falls Id. but spending the winter in Ft. Myers Beach Fl.
I bought a Viewsat Pro and a VS2000 Ultra
I mainly watch sports, racing and regular TV, not into movies, we get cable from the RV park which is included in our rent if we use it or not. Most of these cable systems have been split so many times the picture are fuzzy. Traveling around in a RV one needs a good satellite. I hope the receivers I bought are good ones because they won't take them back. They told me my 18x20 dish would work and it didn't. So before I introduce others to the world of FTA, I need to get it down right. I thank all of you who are willing to help, it show's me your good people and I'm glad I signed up for a year.
They told you the 18x20 would work thinking you were intending to modify your rec to steal dishnetwork programming (it is a huge problem) You can find a few signals with a dishnet dish but not much, nasa tv, angel one and some music channels. Otherwise you need a real dish for free to air signals, 1m is a recommended size, 31-33"will work for most but not all signals. And your lnbf will need to be a linear lnbf, not circular like the pay-services use.
Welcome friend!!!

I'm new to FTA and bought a new receiver thinking my DTV dish would work. Could someone point me to the right thread to get help on how to set up my syetem or a guide for FTA Dummies.:)

If you are in the market for a 36" dish which is perfect for FTA Ku band, you might look into the 3ABN dish that other's and myself have bought, go to "" and look into the "Store" section then click on the tab "Satellite" and you should find it.

Have fun and Merry Christmas
Some of our guys can give you more info on those receivers.
For regular FTA service, I'm pretty sure they'll be fine.
If one is better for running a motor (should you eventually want one) than the other, you'll have plenty of time to find out.

Here are some lists showing what's available on real FTA.
You can search the first list by language, so if you're looking for foreign language support, it's there.
The other lists are more technical, and you'll eventually want to transition over to them.

If some of your friends would prefer Christian programming, there are two satellites carrying quite a bit.
They are close together in the sky, and there's a kit with two LNBs to get just those.
(Other programming is also available on those birds)
See the GloryStar section of this forum for more info, or we can help you here.

For a temporary mobile site, you can certainly throw up a fixed-aimed 36" dish.
I say 36" because it's bigger, not much more expensive to buy, without going over the size restrictions of the shippers, and costing extra to get it to you.

Since you already have receivers to experiment with, you can get your feet wet (no Florida pun intended) immediately.
Pick a sat, try it for a few days or a week.
Pick another. Keep a list of what you liked.
You might find that most of your viewing is confined to one bird.
If so, you're done.

If you find two or maybe three satellites quite close to each other which you like, you might put several LNBs on the one dish.
There are pictures and discussions in the forum detailing many exploits of the intrepid members.

If you have a more permanent location, and want access to a wide range of satellites, you might then consider a motor.
Once you are well familiarized with your receivers, they aren't too difficult to add.

Another consideration is that you have two receivers.
Will you be happy with both on the same satellite?
If you daisy-chain one receiver to the other, then both must be on the same satellite and polarity (vert or horiz)
If you want both to be more independent, then you'd want to get LNBs with two outputs.
Those can immediately hook to two receivers, or through switches, be connected to 4..8..or more receivers.

I'd start with one LNB, with a single output, to get started.
As you learn more, you'll decide where to go from there.

Welcome aboard.
Welcome to Sat. TV and to satellite guys. You are wise to snowbird. K land can be cold this time of year. Spent 9 years at 7B... That 3ABN dish and a solid PA speaker stand tripod to hold it should fit in your basement or strap to the ladder as you travel. You probably will want at least the $15 meter from one of the Gold sponsors at the list up top. It will save some time finding "something - somewhere" to start at various parks. You will also want a very good level to square up the "mast". I use a "post" level with vials on both axis. Enough RV advice for now. The guys here can answer most every satellite question (I would say every question but some one might be able to stump them!).
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