Globecast website shows a new FTA channel from Belarus, and it's up and running already:
Frequency: 11898
Polarization: Vertical
Symbol Rate: 22000
VPID 272 APID 273 PPID 272
Ch.# 775 (SID)
I did not hear any Belorussian on it yet,
they speak Russian most of the time.
They show news, hockey games, old soviet movies, documentaries and series.
Channel Profile on Globecast: GlobeCast WorldTV - Whats on WorldTV
Channel Profile from Belteleradio company (Eng.): Belteleradiocompany
TV guide (Rus. only): Òåëåêàíàë "Áåëàðóñü-ÒÂ" :: Ïðîãðàììà ïåðåäà÷
Frequency: 11898
Polarization: Vertical
Symbol Rate: 22000
VPID 272 APID 273 PPID 272
Ch.# 775 (SID)
I did not hear any Belorussian on it yet,
they speak Russian most of the time.
They show news, hockey games, old soviet movies, documentaries and series.
Channel Profile on Globecast: GlobeCast WorldTV - Whats on WorldTV
Channel Profile from Belteleradio company (Eng.): Belteleradiocompany
TV guide (Rus. only): Òåëåêàíàë "Áåëàðóñü-ÒÂ" :: Ïðîãðàììà ïåðåäà÷