Battlefield 3 Early Beta Live now!

I tried the open beta on my 360. Can't connect to the EA servers. What else is new. EA servers always have issues.
I couldn't connect either. That was fine for me though. Gave me an excuse to go to bed early

Sent from my Nexus One using SatelliteGuys super rad app.
I wasn't able to find a game until I specified a game type. Then I got into a game, and was sniped by the same guy at my spawn point 6 times in a row.

Turned it off, will probably pass till it's on sale, have plenty of other stuff to play/going on.
Was finally able to get in. Seemed okay. The single map got old pretty fast. May be worth a rental, but will pass on the purchase.
EA always has issues with their servers. I try to stay away from any EA title. Only ones I buy are NHL and FIFA. Will stick with COD.
dont24 said:
Was finally able to get in. Seemed okay. The single map got old pretty fast. May be worth a rental, but will pass on the purchase.
EA always has issues with their servers. I try to stay away from any EA title. Only ones I buy are NHL and FIFA. Will stick with COD.

It's probably not worth renting since you need online pass for multiplayer

Sent from my Nexus One using SatelliteGuys super rad app.
I play on PC, so I don't know about the consoles much.

I run my own BF3 community The 47 Ronin.

I could use some of your help to populate my BF3 servers (PC Only) when the full game is released.
yourbeliefs said:
It's probably not worth renting since you need online pass for multiplayer

Sent from my Nexus One using SatelliteGuys super rad app.

So not only do I have to pay for a gold membership for online play but then I also have to pay even more to play this game online? Well I won't be getting it.
meStevo said:
I believe all Online Pass games have a 2-day trial, once per console or gamertag or something.

Even if it does it's still BS because Online Pass is the biggest JOKE and money grab I have ever seen in my life. It has NO justification and it's just EA biting it's nose to smite it's face.

Sent from my iPad2 using SatelliteGuys super sexy app
I must say, I was really looking forward to this game. After playing the beta for a few hours this weekend, it really has not impressed me. I think the single player will be worth playing, but the online is just not all that great. At the moment I would rank the game as a little better than Homefront, just because the graphics seem to be a little better, the gameplay is about the same. I really do not think MW3 will have much competition from this now, I am sure BF3 will sell pretty good, probably 5 million copies or so before MW3 comes out, but that will be about it.
It's irrelevant if you buy it, online pass is to combat used game sales. A free online pass code comes with every game.
What sucks is only 1 gold account can use the online pass. Both my kids have Gold accounts. So if they both want to play online as well, I have to shell out an additional $20! No thanks. I'll stick with Modern Warfare again this year. Buy one copy of the game and the whole family can play online.
What sucks is only 1 gold account can use the online pass. Both my kids have Gold accounts. So if they both want to play online as well, I have to shell out an additional $20! No thanks. I'll stick with Modern Warfare again this year. Buy one copy of the game and the whole family can play online.

Online Pass will work with every user on the console it's redeemed on.
Online Pass will work with every user on the console it's redeemed on.
Forgot to mention I have 3 360s in the house. I use the Xbox Live Family plan. EA should somehow make the online pass available to all gold members within
a family plan.
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