Bad News For HD net and HD Net movie fans!!


Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Sep 14, 2003
Moscow Russia
According to my program guide, Rave is replacing NFL-HD in the preview showroom!! Let the booing and hissing begin!! Another month of substandard bit rates!!!!
When they take of NFL HD on 110 they will replace it with a MPEG2 version of RAVE. This means that the PQ will not get better on HDNet and HDNet movies.
Dish stuck a 3rd HD channel on the pristine 2 channel only HDNet+HDNet Movies transponder. Ever since, the resolution has gone to 1440x1080i and HDNet has looked like crap. At first it was only NFL Network preview, but now it looks like it will be a permanent PREVIEW channel.

F you dish.. F you big time.

We will have the Fake Mpeg 4 (Or as Dish called it Pre MPEG4) versions on 61.5 and 129 and a real MPEG2 version of it on 110.
Then I would not call this a permanent channel either.... It looks like they are trying to test some more to see how far they can drag the PQ of HD channels down the drain. Did I mention that the ESPN HD picture yesterday was awful? All kinds of artifacts... incredible. I have never seen the PQ on ESPN HD so bad as yesterday.
No next month another HD channel will be there for a month, they are using that space for HD Freeviews, as part of their free preview showroom.

BTW the ESPN HD looked like an ESPN problem. It looked like crap also on cable.
I wonder if Mark Cuban can complain to E* about how they are reducing the quality of his channels and get a response... I know (from avs) he takes pride in true HD and showing quality transfers/programs.
ESPNHD has been terrible for a while, and it is on ESPN's end. Cable looks just as bad.

Cuban posted on here a few months back that he is not very worried about HD-lite... so don't bet on it, abricko.
Just a question....why does anyone think that the quality will return to normal if they take the HD channel off of the free preview? I have not seen an instance of resolution quality being upgraded again after it has been downrezzed. Has anyone else? :eek:
Isn't Rave in all of the metallic packages? Why would they do a free preview of a channel that people with an HD receiver allready get?
Scott Greczkowski said:
No Mark Cuban himself said here at SatelliteGuys that he had no problem with HDLite.

I think I fell of my seat when I read that.

Me, too. I think he even told everyone to stop whining about HD lite...
grb said:
Me, too. I think he even told everyone to stop whining about HD lite...

In an interview with TV Predictions he said:

"I think cable and satellite are struggling with just how much picture quality matters. It matters a ton. HD consumers are getting smarter by the minute and quality of picture will be a deciding factor."

so will the real Mark Cuban please stand up......:D

Free HBO?

I've seen some post one here about ESPN blackouts, but....

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