Bad HDMI cable?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Feb 17, 2011
Man WV
Has anyone experienced a lot of "sparkles " on lcd tv. Changed my hdmi cable ( which came with dish receiver) and it appears to have went away although it may just be temporary. TV is brand new Sony. Only other thought is that it may be some kind of interference coming through ac wiring.
You may have taken care of it with a new hdmi cable, keep an eye on it. Does it happen during the day or at night, if during the day it could be from all those dang atvs. :rolleyes: Just kidding on that part. :)
My picture and sound was trying to break up.. I turned tv and receiver off. That was yesterday. Today I started getting some interference (the "sparkles") so I decided to change the hdmi cable although it was brand new. I know the receiver was ok because I have been using it all along. New tv right out of the box. Like I said it really appears to be some kind of electrical interference. But could be hdmi cable, do not know too much about them when they go bad.
What you describe is called pixelating, which could be a sign of low signal. The sparkles could be a symptom of that also. What is your setup & signal readings?
My signal strengths are all real good. The tech checked before he left. I have used this receiver before, no problems, coax no problems, although he did change the ends on them. If they were bad it probable would have showed up right away. Like I said before, it seems to be more of probem between receiver and tv. MY receiver is plugged directly into wall outlet, but my tv is plugged into a surge protector shared with a baseboard heater.
What kind of receiver is it. A duo? One way to tell if it is cable pr not is to jpok up composite cables instead of hdmi. If problem persist. Its likely not the hdmi. Likely have something wired into the box incorrectly or could have a bad coax connector on your satellite line. Could be many things. Possibly a ground block going bad. Ive seen it be all of the above. If its dish net equipment also check and replace low freq barrels in tje lines and wall plates.
My signal strengths are all real good. The tech checked before he left. I have used this receiver before, no problems, coax no problems, although he did change the ends on them. If they were bad it probable would have showed up right away. Like I said before, it seems to be more of probem between receiver and tv. MY receiver is plugged directly into wall outlet, but my tv is plugged into a surge protector shared with a baseboard heater.
The baseboard heater sounds like it could be the problem to me. I think it may show back up when it is on. It's very possible that it is injecting some type of noise into the AC line that the TV is plugged into.
What you describe is called pixelating, which could be a sign of low signal. The sparkles could be a symptom of that also. What is your setup & signal readings?

pixelation looks different than sparkles.

sparkles are random errors, manifesting as a single color. mine were red when i was getting them and even appeared on a 'muted' video output.

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if its an hdmi cable and you swap for a new one and still have the same issue try using another hdmi device cell phone bluray xbox ps3.

If issues are still showing switch to an input that is not used and bring up the tv menu if the sparkels are still showing your tv is fubar.
I was getting static and picture jumping on the tv attached to my 211. Thought the tv was going bad. Replaced the hdmi cable and no further problems.
I bought a pack of 5 - 6 ft v1.3 HDMI high-speed cables on eBay for $5, that price included shipping. I'm planning on getting a HDTV on BF and I knew I would need a HDMI cable. Fingers crossed. :)

Wheeling, WV HD Locals

Still no uplink yet...

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