If you would like to order from pansat directly, you can by doing this:
Dear customer,
We have received the DVB-S2 modules and they are $200.00 each including shipping. If you wish to purchase one, we are including an attachment with a copy of our order form for you to fill out and e-mail back. We will send it right away via UPS.
Best regards,
Email to pansatusa@cs.comAs Always, you can also check for availaiblity from GoSatellite, or AVSatellite Sales.
Dear customer,
We have received the DVB-S2 modules and they are $200.00 each including shipping. If you wish to purchase one, we are including an attachment with a copy of our order form for you to fill out and e-mail back. We will send it right away via UPS.
Best regards,
Email to pansatusa@cs.comAs Always, you can also check for availaiblity from GoSatellite, or AVSatellite Sales.