As long as their is only ONE NFL ticket-type provider...

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SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Jun 1, 2004
South Florida
....this is the kinda mess that happens. Do they have this problem with the NBA, MLB and Hockey ticket(when they are playing)?? I THINK(and hope) that this comes back and ALSO bites the NFL in the A**. Because THEY TOO are at fault in this....OH how UGLY this could(and I hope DOES) get....
NFL is all about getting $$$ for their product. This is why they run the most efficient league in the USA. Every NFL owner makes $$$ based on the TV revenue. In regard to D*, this is why MONOPOLY does not help the consumer.
:mad: Just sigh and take it. For those of us that feel the need to see our favoriteNFL teams from another city(mine being the Eagles) and have allready made the HD jump we have to bite the bullit. I try to justify it. Lets say that 7 of the eagles games are broadcast Locally, Fox, ABC etc...and maybe a couple on ESPN..that leaves about 7 or 8 games that I wouldn't get to see. About $35 bucks a game. Ya , BRUTAL, but 106 in. of Crystal Clear Mcnabb to Owens (lol) I can live with it. Now D* better be giving us the full bandwith, not that Down Res stuff that I don't understand but keep hearing about! :shocked
salsadancer7 said:
....this is the kinda mess that happens. Do they have this problem with the NBA, MLB and Hockey ticket(when they are playing)?? I THINK(and hope) that this comes back and ALSO bites the NFL in the A**. Because THEY TOO are at fault in this....OH how UGLY this could(and I hope DOES) get....

What's the mess? Did I miss something? Extra $100 for HD games. Hmmm, 17 weeks divided by $100 = $6. Shrug.
FlyingJ said:
:mad: Just sigh and take it. For those of us that feel the need to see our favoriteNFL teams from another city(mine being the Eagles) and have allready made the HD jump we have to bite the bullit. I try to justify it. Lets say that 7 of the eagles games are broadcast Locally, Fox, ABC etc...and maybe a couple on ESPN..that leaves about 7 or 8 games that I wouldn't get to see. About $35 bucks a game. Ya , BRUTAL, but 106 in. of Crystal Clear Mcnabb to Owens (lol) I can live with it. Now D* better be giving us the full bandwith, not that Down Res stuff that I don't understand but keep hearing about! :shocked

Next year get ready to pay another 40+ bucks a season. I hate to say this but as long as idiots like yourself keep paying it they will keep charging it. Maybe once people should think that missing one year of NFL Sunday Ticket could help them in the next 5 years or so. Even if you can afford it and feel that its worth it you should not accept a 60+ percent increase in one year without getting anything new whatsoever. Its amazing how people complain about a cable company increasing rates by 4 percent but can have D* increase ST rates by 60+ percent and you still think about caving in.

Maybe if everyone cancelled and contacted the EFF and fought on the grounds that the NFL package is anti-trust. We would have a good case that even the FCC would have to at least consider. Lets see below.

We now have very big increases. You can only get the package from D* and you have to order a basic D* package to get access to NFL ST.

Now News Corp owns D* and the rights for NFL ST that are exclusive. Now factor in that News Corp also owns the Fox Network and the rights for the NFC broadcasts. If this doesn't scream anti-trust well I don't know what would.
Well with all the HD football added and the new huge contract with the nfl signed by Directv, I expected a increase in $$$$$. Either way Im not subbing to it. Its way out of my price range. Unless you are a huge football or a fan of a team that isnt televised in your isnt worth the cash. The crazy thin is that when I had the Sunday Ticket...I never watched a full game from start to finish.
LONGHORN...I am with you 100%...funny..when I WAS with D* was only $149 for the package...this is almost making me wanna STAY with Adelphia regardless of HOW GOOD the big news in June might be. I always said that D* had ONE main advantage over everyone and it was the ST with FREE HD games...not no more....I mean if they are gonna jack up the price of ST THIS high...can you imagine just how much they will jackup a BIG HD package.....? Yep, me and little ole Adelphia with my FREE HD DVR is looking better and better every day....oh yeah, living in south Florida and all...wait till that lovely rainy season starts and all the sat friends are bitchin' about the signal going out.....
It is pathetic how year after year the price seems to go up. I mean paying over $200 alone just for one package is outrageous and charging an extra $99 for other features and the capability of watching NFL games in HD is over the line. It is even more pathetic that the ST is Directv's main selling point, since that is the only thing that they have which other cable or satellite providers like DISH cannot get. I hope the subscriber numbers for the upcoming season are low this year to show the NFL primarily a lesson.
salsadancer7 said:
LONGHORN...I am with you 100%...funny..when I WAS with D* was only $149 for the package...this is almost making me wanna STAY with Adelphia regardless of HOW GOOD the big news in June might be. I always said that D* had ONE main advantage over everyone and it was the ST with FREE HD games...not no more....I mean if they are gonna jack up the price of ST THIS high...can you imagine just how much they will jackup a BIG HD package.....? Yep, me and little ole Adelphia with my FREE HD DVR is looking better and better every day....oh yeah, living in south Florida and all...wait till that lovely rainy season starts and all the sat friends are bitchin' about the signal going out.....

I agree and sadly to say I've pissed away more than 300 bucks in a day but the fact is even though I have no problems paying the price the fact is no product should have a 60+ percent increase within a one year period and once that happens once I won't pay it even if I could because I have to start asking what is next. Just because I can spend 20 grand on NFL Sunday Ticket does that mean I should have too. That is sad that I could pay twenty grand a season for it but I'll be broke within what five seasons. That would be scary as hell.

What D* is seeing today are customers that can afford the extra cost saying enough is enough and that means they went too far.
I feel bad for the poor saps who will continue to pay over $200 just to see a few out of market games. It is not so much the package that I hate but that it has an exclusive agreement with one provider and not all the rest. Which shows that NFL will favor whoever gives them the most $$$. What is next a 100% increase? :(
salsadancer7 said:
l...wait till that lovely rainy season starts and all the sat friends are bitchin' about the signal going out.....

While I too am very upset at the significant increase in rates, I did want to point out that DirecTV's new satellite operates in bands where rain should not affect the reception of the signal...
smitty825 said:
While I too am very upset at the significant increase in rates, I did want to point out that DirecTV's new satellite operates in bands where rain should not affect the reception of the signal...

Smitty....when you see ....believe it...until then, that NOTHING but speculation !! And in Florida, we DON'T have little rain bans...we have 30 minute downpours that WOULD average about 5-6 inches per minute....EVERYDAY...TWICE...!
salsadancer7 said:
snip was only $149 for the package...

I joined D* in 1996, my first season of NFLST cost me $99.00, for every game, no blackouts! Every year the price of ST has crept up and up and up, but I paid anyway, I enjoy having it. Last year, there are the blackouts if you get the game on your locals, OK, big deal, feel like I lost some value there, but now, $99.00 for HD and some other "cool" stuff, no way! The real kick between the legs is I can't receive OTA HD channels for my DMA, so when the Vikings are on and I tune to the HD ST channel they be might on, it's not available so I have to watch it in SD, why pay extra when I can't watch the team I want to see in HD!?!?
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