Article 9,000

Friends, it is absolutely inconceivable that I have found 9,000 things to talk about here on The Solid Signal Blog. It’s even more inconceivable when you consider that about an additional 3,500 articles were deleted as part of our move in early 2018. In case you were curious, it breaks out this way (rough numbers):

  • 2,500 news articles
  • 600 editorials
  • 600 podcasts
  • 500 reviews
  • 4,000 tutorials

To be fair, I personally have only authored about 7,700 of those articles. Others have been thanks to the hard work of guest bloggers. Some of those folks come for an article or two. Some of them stay for years, contributing some of the best and most read articles on this site.

The most read articles​

It’s probably no surprise that some of the most read articles on this blog are tutorials. Here are five of them that have each been viewed over 100,000 times. The top-read article on this blog has been accessed over 250,000 times since February 2018.

Here are five more that did really well from 2007 to 2018, on our old platform:

What’s been our most downloaded tutorial PDF? Without a doubt, it’s The Ultimate Guide to Upgrading Your DIRECTV System. It’s been directly downloaded over 150,000 times and I’m sure it’s been shared by even more people.

The least read article​

It’s surprisingly hard to see what the least read article on the blog is. Searching Google Analytics, there are roughly 65,000 entries between 2018 and today that don’t correspond to articles. They’re mostly searches and typos. However, this news article from 2017, which was ported over from our old blog, seems to be the least read article since we moved to our new platform. In five years it’s managed to rack up a measly 12 views. That’s a little embarrassing.

Genuinely grateful​

I have been your editor at this blog for close to 12 years, and in that time I have met some of the greatest people. It’s been a real pleasure to chart the changes in the tech world in that time. When I started, most folks did not stream live TV at all and many were on their very first smartphone. In almost 12 years I’ve seen changes in the tech world and the real world too. Some of them were for the better, and let’s be honest some of them were for the worse. There are some things I’ve seen since 2012 that I hope I never see again. You can probably guess what some of them are.

But in that time I have never lost sight of how grateful I am to be able to offer you this blog and to support Signal Group. It’s a great company to work for and it’s also a great company to work with. If you haven’t called us at 888-233-7563 you should. You’ll meet some amazing folks.

Here’s to article #10,000!

Stuart Sweet, Editor in Chief

The post Article 9,000 appeared first on The Solid Signal Blog.

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