Are they telling you that you have to give up traditional live TV? Seniors, here’s how you revolt!

There's a funny thing that happens as we get older. The younger generation starts to tell us that things we've counted on our whole lives are obsolete or downright wrong. Sometimes, the younger generation is right. If you're old enough to remember when "everybody" smoked in their cars, you're probably just as glad as I am that no one does that anymore.

On the other hand, the younger folks sometimes like to tell us things are obsolete when they're just out of fashion. Part your hair on the side? Someone will tell you that's old-school. Land Line Phones? Out, supposedly. And if you listen to a lot of people, they'll tell you that it's time to give up live television from a cable or satellite provider.

I'll give up the side part if I must, but you can have my TV when you pry it from… well you know the rest.

If you're over 50, you grew up with live television as a constant companion. Live TV was there when you came home from school, even if your parents weren't. Live TV is how you learned of the big events in your life. Ever since you were a kid, live TV has been in the background of so much of your life.

And now, especially if you're moving from a large house to a smaller place, people will tell you to give up live TV. Or, they'll tell you that you want to go to streaming instead. If that sounds good to you, that's fine. But if that sounds wrong to you, here's what you need to do: don't listen to them!

It may not fit in with the story that the youngers like to tell, but live television, delivered over-the-air, via cable or satellite, is still the way most people get their video. Oh yeah, of course people stream. And yeah, the slice of the pie held by traditional live TV is getting smaller. But if you don't want to move to 100% streaming, you don't have to. It's as simple as that.

Live TV from DIRECTV and DISH is available in 99.9% of the country.

There are very few places in this country that can't get live satellite television from DIRECTV or DISH. Your HOA or condo board can't stop you from putting up a dish in an area that's private to you. They can't stop you from using something like a tripod or non-penetrating mount to put that dish on your patio if you want. It's as simple as that.

If you're in an apartment complex where satellite TV is hard or impossible, talk to the management! What most apartment managers don't know is that there are special programs which limit the impact to the building. There are ways to get live TV to every apartment in a building with only one dish. And, the entire thing can be supervised and managed by the apartment's on-site staff. Or, it can be totally hands-off. It's up to you.

Live TV via internet?

If you truly can't get traditional live TV, DIRECTV via Internet is the next best thing. You'll get a box with a traditional remote, one with all the buttons you expect. You'll get the closest thing to a normal live TV experience that you can get. The pricing and packages are almost identical to satellite TV. It's a great compromise if you absolutely can't get live TV any other way.

What about senior living/assisted living/transitional living?

We all get to the point where we consider changing over to a senior-oriented community. It can be a real stress for people. It forces us to look at who we are and what we can do by ourselves. When all that's happening, I'll tell you that it's the absolute last time you want to lose something as comforting as live TV.

If you're considering a senior-oriented community that doesn't offer live TV, talk to their management! They probably don't know that there are ways people can have their traditional live TV while they're independent AND when they move to the "assisted" phase. You don't have to give up the comfort of real, actual live television no matter what phase you're in. We can build custom solutions that let senior living managers give people what they've always wanted.

Truth is, there's no reason at all to give up the television you grew up with. Let the experts at Signal Connect help! If you're an apartment dweller, we'll try to give you what you need even without management getting involved. If you're a senior living manager, we'll help you find solutions that protect your investment in your building while offering great services that your residents really want.

Curious? Interested? Ready to take the next step? Call the experts at Signal Connect. We're here for you during East Coast business hours. Just call 888-233-7563. If it's after hours, fill out the form below! We'll get right back to you!

The post Are they telling you that you have to give up traditional live TV? Seniors, here's how you revolt! appeared first on The Solid Signal Blog.

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Ken Reid and Jordan Morris II
