No they are not. a DPP seperator tales a single input from the satellite dish and splits it two out puts, they are used on dual tuner receivers. They eliminate the need to run two cables to each dual tuner receiver that you have. A SW21 is a switch that is used to combine the outputs of two satellite dishes into one cable. The SW21 is a legacy switch that is no longer ins use (I could be wrong), because the newest LNB's have a switch built into them. For example when I first had a 61.5 dish installed, before HD, the signal form that dish and the signal from my 110/119 dish were combined using a sw21. Now the LNB from the 61.5 is connected directly to the LNB on the 110/119 dish because the switch is built in.Are these two the same thing?
a sw21 and a dpp separator?
If not, how do they differ?
Someone must have been hitting the estate sales.I guess they set me up with old hardware...
From your other pots you are in Puerto Rico?
From your other pots you are in Puerto Rico?
Boba you seems to got it.
Here in PR, most retailers still use legacy gear,That's why I assume the OP have this question.However change is coming on that matter when 2 things happen, First, Echo 14 becomes operational,Second When the 2 RSP offices start doing business.
So, as of now, my "old" legacy gear is the standard installation for a Dish 500 here in Puerto Rico? And, once Echo 14 becomes operational, would my hardware will be replaced?