Say Goodbye Macworld.

I love Apple, but they are turning into Microsoft. They use to say think diffrently, but now don'twant you to think at all. Take a look at the appstore for the iPhone. What does such crap make it through yet other products that should be there (such as the Slingplayer for the iphone)are no where to be scene.

The only way to customize your iphone is by hacking it with a Jailbreak, this is how you can change the backrounds and add themese. Why wont apple let people do this without having to jump through hoops?

Macworld this year will introduce the iPhone Nano (its a smaller iPhone howeverit wont do internet over 3G) a Mac Netbook PC and a replacement for the Mac Mini.

Personally I think Steve Jobs needs to leave Apple. His time has come and his ways are going to start hurting apple.
Its funny, Microsoft's "Life without walls" slogan for Vista is an attack on Apple's closed products. It says something when your product makes Microsoft look open.
Apple Inc is not a computer company and hasn't been for some time.

Their well crafted niche of computer systems owes everything to Steve Jobs who rescued them and made them profitable long enough to become a media distribution company, built on the back of the iPod.

Now, nearly all their profit comes from streaming and downloadable media and the devices that media is stored and played on.

The OS today is just a GUI built on top of FreeBSD - MS will soon do the same thing.
Apple Inc is not a computer company and hasn't been for some time.

Their well crafted niche of computer systems owes everything to Steve Jobs who rescued them and made them profitable long enough to become a media distribution company, built on the back of the iPod.

Now, nearly all their profit comes from streaming and downloadable media and the devices that media is stored and played on.

The OS today is just a GUI built on top of FreeBSD - MS will soon do the same thing.

Microsoft needs to do something to get rid of the crap they call Vista. I just switched over to a Mac due to Vista being so damn bloated, plus I need to learn it for work anyway. Learning Mac OS X will help with also learning Unix/Linux.
Microsoft needs to do something to get rid of the crap they call Vista. I just switched over to a Mac due to Vista being so damn bloated, plus I need to learn it for work anyway. Learning Mac OS X will help with also learning Unix/Linux.

Most of the problems people have with Vista call be reduced or eliminated by doing two things:

1. Turn off UAC
2. Turn off Aero

After you do these two things, there are several very nice improvements you can enjoy.
However, your command line stuff works on both Unix/Linux and MacOS X.

(I use all 3, and unfortunately, all the flavors of Windows as well :( )

the joys of working for a software company with a Java app, and being the poor schnook that owns sysadmin of the Engineering Lab :)
LER- Any idea why Vista has such problems with printers? Sometimes it sees them on the net (while installing), sometimes not. I generally have to get around this by plugging in the IP address, but it certainly should not require that. Certainly not specific to brand, either.

We stay with Windows for two reasons: Our accounting system is Windows only, and I haven't seen an equivalent (at affordable price) that runs on Linux, or even Mac, etc. And the second reason is MS Office. We have to exchange files with some corporations that are Office exclusive, and StarOffice just didn't hack it, compatibility wise.

Many years ago, I was demo'd an Apple III (& Lisa) after some minimal Apple II experience. It was SLOW and took 3 disks from power on to load the app and start work. Later had to work (briefly, thank God) with the early Mac (one piece resembling the droids in Star Wars) while working on my CS Master's (didn't finish- got a divorce and orders to Guam instead).

So I haven't been too disposed toward Apple. But some of their products I really like. I'm growing fond of my iPhone, for one. So I can see them moving out of MacWorld - They're not a Mac company any more, at least not primarily. They seem fleet of foot today. And if their Fearless Leader is something of an egomaniac, so what? That's not uncommon. Just look at some Hollywood stars.
<sigh> Guess I'm gonna havta go home to New Orleans and consult a good Voodoo priestess.....
Most of the problems people have with Vista call be reduced or eliminated by doing two things:

1. Turn off UAC
2. Turn off Aero.
A year ago I'd add
3. Don't use any NVidia hardware
The story about what a nightmare NV hardware has become in 2006-2008(?) is still waiting to be written...

Windows 7 will take Vista, change defaults, make half the components optional and everybody will say "See, they can do when they really want/have to". Windows 2000 all over again.

Most of the problems people have with Vista call be reduced or eliminated by doing two things:

1. Turn off UAC
2. Turn off Aero
Doing this essentially leaves you with a somewhat brain damaged XP that still won't put files where you tell it to. What's the point?
A year ago I'd add
3. Don't use any NVidia hardware
The story about what a nightmare NV hardware has become in 2006-2008(?) is still waiting to be written...

Windows 7 will take Vista, change defaults, make half the components optional and everybody will say "See, they can do when they really want/have to". Windows 2000 all over again.


Windows 7 will get a lot better rap because by the time it comes out everything will really be vista compatible. I bet W7 has exactly the same driver requirements of Vista x64. What is funny is that they could probably make some cosmetic changes and call it something new and release it in a year and New Vista would be hailed as far better. Computer hardware will have finally caught up, machines will start shipping with 8GB standard, and all the old hardware without drivers would have finally broken, ending the compatibility problems.
Thats pretty much what happened with Windows 2000, they came out with Windows ME instead of Windows 2000 Home for pretty much the same reason. XP without service packs is pretty much Windows 2000 with an ugly theme applied by default.

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