iphone sales sets all time sales high for the history of the company with 2/3 being new customers. The entry iphone 5s had new users was 80%.
itunes members now at 800 million.
Tim Cook announced that Apple will increase its present share buyback by $30B
Company will increase it's dividend to 3.39% beginning with the next quarter payable in May.
In June Apple will issue a 7 to 1 split of its stock to make the stock more desirable to new small investors. At it's current price per share in today's aftermarket, the new price per share will be around $81. The stock closed around $524 per share, when the pre earnings call report was released on the website the stock jumped to $560 and is creeping up throughout the call.
itunes members now at 800 million.
Tim Cook announced that Apple will increase its present share buyback by $30B
Company will increase it's dividend to 3.39% beginning with the next quarter payable in May.
In June Apple will issue a 7 to 1 split of its stock to make the stock more desirable to new small investors. At it's current price per share in today's aftermarket, the new price per share will be around $81. The stock closed around $524 per share, when the pre earnings call report was released on the website the stock jumped to $560 and is creeping up throughout the call.