Went to Future Shop in Windsor on Saturday. What a zoo. Good news is that they had additional $10 coupon off for purchases over $100. So I paid $119 + taxes canadian (about $117 usd).
A coworker came along as he wanted to look at the laptops on sale. So what does he buy instead? - 2 505s for $258 - $25 coupon + $50 new customer programming credit. So we spend the rest of the day phoning/driving around southwestern Ontario looking for a SC elliptical dish - to no avail. Every independent dealer was sold out. I gave him my old round dish and a dealer sold him another one for $20, so we are off the get a DTV multiswitch today to tie them together.
BTW, according to my broker; we are not eligible for the free months programming credit on "Refer a Friend". Too bad as that would have given me an additional $40 credit.