Got it over the weekend, let it sit, then today, for a break in my office-day, I stuck it in an old tripod at ground level, fed the twinlead into my office window and scanned! Blonder-Tongue antenna, appears to be part of a larger rig, or an add-on for UHF from many years ago. Worked great at ground level with 16 channels in one direction, I can only imagine what it would do on a rotor with coax cable feeding my office monitor/TV!
Guess I'm curious if it's torn off of a bigger rig, or an add-on, and apparently....the circuit includes the it has to be mounted similarly to how it is now with respect to a small diameter pole. Bet a modern antenna at $50 surrounded by plastic from a box store wouldn't do as well! Got a few "likes" on FB from people I didn't think would even care...and yes, the former owner mounted it upside down, or so it looks...
Guess I'm curious if it's torn off of a bigger rig, or an add-on, and apparently....the circuit includes the it has to be mounted similarly to how it is now with respect to a small diameter pole. Bet a modern antenna at $50 surrounded by plastic from a box store wouldn't do as well! Got a few "likes" on FB from people I didn't think would even care...and yes, the former owner mounted it upside down, or so it looks...