Anyone had experience with

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 18, 2006
I remember reading about it in a few magazines several months back and am thinking about becoming a lender. I had just put the notion aside a long time ago after the media hyped it up, but am rethinking it now, especially since my wife almost signed up for some other company last week, Freedom Financial Group, that I think looks to be a pyramid loan scheme of some sort... I suggessted to her that that site looked fishy and that prosper doesn't look as risky even though it's still a bit of a risk.

It has to be less risky than playing Entropia Universe, like I've been doing regularly since January... (did Casino aka Cussin Hole prior to that)..and has to also be safer than some of my wife's previous online businesses that we couldn't get too many sales for... she used to be a seller of Fruta Vida, Nikken, and a few others... she's with Avon and Jerky Direct now and the aren't too bad, but still not too profitable. I have a ton (several thousand) photos on but most of that stuff isn't profitable either since average pic is only selling for 2-3 bucks and I only get 50% of that, if there's a sale, which many months there is not...

Anyone else been using Prosper as either borrowers or lenders? Any advice?
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I have thought about it in the past, as if our server died we would need a new one quick. And I dont want to keep asking members for money, but have thought if I needed it I would look to get a loan through

Reading some of the want ads on there has me scratching my head though.
I've been a lender on for about 8 months. I think it's awesome. As a lender, you get pretty good returns. Risk is up to you. Riskier could bring better returns. All the financial information is there for you to make decisions. Borrowing seems to be easier than through a bank. As long as you plead your case and don't ask for an unreasonable rate, you will be funded. I've seen many websites get money that way. The most common is people getting rid of credit cards by taking their 23.9% and up interest down to a more reasonable rate. All loans are for 3 years, no penalty for paying early. There is also a whole 'social' aspect involving groups and leaders which may interest you. All in all, I view this as taking out the middle man.
is this site really legit? i have a friend in CC $#@%^(&* might be of use to her.

certinally is a interesting concept, wonder what the default rate is?
I think the rate is set based on your credit scores or something and what the lenders bid it down to be within whatever parameters the borrowers want.. there's another one called too I think... but it's just for England...
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