In the last month have have dropped the ball big time. First was a power supply for my Pi3 adb-s server. Power supply died ordered one Amazon prime, two day delivery. A week and a half later get a empty padded envelope that was obviously opened and resealed. No problem, Amazon sent another one and it took two weeks to get here. Now last Friday I ordered a NMO mount from the antenna farm. Got a tracking number and they got it out that day. Blairsville GA is about a hundred mile from me. It went to Atlanta two Friday's ago and has not moved since. Tracking just shows ypur item is late, but is on the way. No wonder they are broke. Could have picked it up in a 3 hour round trip.
$10 bucks two day priority and 7 business days later, I still don't have it. It is amazing how government entities work.
$10 bucks two day priority and 7 business days later, I still don't have it. It is amazing how government entities work.