Anybody using Microyal SW64?


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 3, 2003
I have one, I cannot get it to working.

I connected 119 to 1a and 1b, 110 to 2a and 2b and 148 to 3a and 3b. when I do switch test it show 119 on 2a, 148 on 3a and 3b, and rest 1a,1b,2b are X.

I checked the voltage on on powers inseter output 1, its 18v, so there is no voltage drop.

Any suggestion what could be the problem. Is Microyal SW64 compatible with Dish PVR 510.

Appreciate your response
Have you connected each satellite input directly to a receiver to confirm that you are receiving a signal? What are you using for LNBs and dishes?
Yes all the six outputs from 3 LNB's has signal above 100.

I have dish 500 with dual output legacy LNB,s and I have a direct TV 18'' Dish with dual output LNB which I use to point at 148 satellite
How long are your cable runs from the dish to the switch, and from the switch to your 510? Have you tried using another output on the SW64 with the same result?
100 feet outside and say another 100 feet inside house wiring between the walls.

I have a flat cable to pass beneath the window. total 4 join at different point, could this be the problem?

I will try today with another ouput.
Yes, all of those things together or any one of them could be the problem. Start by connecting to a different output and see what happens. If that still fails try bypassing that flat cable. If possible try running a shorter continuous (unspliced) coax run from the switch to your box, even if it is just temporary for a test.

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