any witchita kansas subscribers get there superdishes yet?


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Nov 11, 2003
just curious, I am waiting for equipment and have been getting run around from dish(whodathought) :rolleyes: I have 100 plus new subscribers waiting for installs and we have to keep stalling them because no equipment, sure is a shame they cant get all the locals locked in on the dish500 and just go nuts with the high defs on the super dish, would save alot of headaches
Superdish Central Kansas

We are getting 8 from denver on tuesday but no mention of a major equipment release this is more of a heres a couple to shut you up order!

witchita techs

well I am sorry to say I am glad to here I am not the only one getting the run around, did they get the locals on as promised?

HDTV OTA with Superdish or Dish 500

Installing Superdish with 721 and 2 301's

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