I have been trying to find the time to try this out. I don't have a dual tuner receiver myself only a 510. The problem is at some houses TV2 is so far away from the box that the remote won't work. I have attached 2 or 3 foot extensions on to the antenna and have had success, but still some of them are very delayed. I have an idea (I'm sure it's not new) about using duplexers with the remote antennas.
Let's say at the back of the receiver I run a pigtail to one side of the diplexer from the TV2 output and then another pigtail from the antenna jack. At the TV2 location I would install another diplexer with the pigtail coming from the TV2 output to the tv and then just attach the antenna to the other. Shouldn't that make the whole line act as an antenna? Would it be too long of a run to do something like that? I would save a lot of problems with long distance runs to the TV2 locations. It's just a thought, but is there anyone that would be willing to give it a try? If you have and it doesn't work I would also like to hear about that as well.
Let's say at the back of the receiver I run a pigtail to one side of the diplexer from the TV2 output and then another pigtail from the antenna jack. At the TV2 location I would install another diplexer with the pigtail coming from the TV2 output to the tv and then just attach the antenna to the other. Shouldn't that make the whole line act as an antenna? Would it be too long of a run to do something like that? I would save a lot of problems with long distance runs to the TV2 locations. It's just a thought, but is there anyone that would be willing to give it a try? If you have and it doesn't work I would also like to hear about that as well.