I still kick myself for buying rocks and sand. LOL $5 a pound for frigging cured rocks and $2/lb. for sand.
Started out with a small 29 gallon. Then moved to 85 gallon. Was in the middle of getting that set up and just lost the bug. It was like a switch was flipped.
At least I still have a reverse osmosis water setup under my sink that I still use for drinking water.
Also, one thing a lot of people forget, if you are prone to power outages, look into a small generator.
Just remember to take your time and do your research. When it comes to marine hobby, the price is huge but there is usually an alternative that is a lot cheaper.
A couple of instance. Aquarium Silicone sealant runs anywhere from $15-20 a tube depending on where you buy it. You can go down to Home Depot and get GE Silicon II for around $5. Must be Silicone
II as it doesn't contain Amonia.
If you want to save money this is a good page.
Van's Reef Page - Intro
Lot of do-it yourself items that are usually high dollar. Oscilating nozzles, Calcium reactors, top-off set ups.
Also, if you are not in a huge hurry, look at man-made live rock. You can make your own shapes and on the cheap. What takes the most time is curing them after they are made.