In a phone conversation with the "executive offices" yesterday, (I emailed, they called back) the rep explained to me that they have had a lot of people upset/confused that they can't have their RSN or add Multisports etc. to their HD Only package. He expressed their concern and said that in this changing landscape where people watch only HD they are aware it is a problem and are "working on the solution." He said, "We are aware it is a major problem for people" and that there are plans to change. I told him I would pay the $6 for multisports just to get my one RSN if I could. He said changes are coming.
Unfortunately he couldn't tell me when but I told him I would REALLY like to see it happen before college football season rolls around. He thanked me for the feedback and said they will use it in their deciding what to do.
So... what do you guys think? Honest concern from Dish Network and we'll have RSNs in time for football? Or we will see changes "soon", i.e. Feb 2009...
I really hope they help us out on this one and make the HDOnly pack a qualifying package. I mean hell, realistically it is the AT250 HD channels, so hook me up with the RSN!