Another Week for DirecTV, Paxson

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Apr 18, 2005
DeKalb County, AL
as mentioned a week ago in this posting:
I also noted it would go for yet another week and another?

As both sides try to hammer out a settlement, DirecTV Inc. has agreed to carry Paxson Communications Corp.’s TV stations for yet another week, a spokesman for the direct-broadcast satellite provider said Friday.

DirecTV filed suit against Paxson in January over the programming changes the company was making to i: Independent Television, formerly Pax TV, claiming that they violated the content provisions of their carriage deal.

The DBS provider and the broadcaster are trying to hammer out a settlement to that dispute. DirecTV carries both Paxson TV stations and PaxNet, a stand-alone national channel.

Earlier this week, it was disclosed that Paxson is being sued over its proposed name change to Ion Media Networks. Paxson was planning to change its name, subject to shareholder approval, June 23.

But a California company, Positive Ions Inc., is suing Paxson for trademark infringement over the Ion name. Positive Ions operates “ionNetwork,” a group of Web-based channels.

HEY, DIRECTV!!! Pull the Damn plug already!!!
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