Another School Shooting!

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I made the prediction that there will be a lot of school shootings on another site because Clinton's gun ban expires soon and Bush will need some excuses to not only renew it, but to expand it as well.

Nothing bans guns faster than knee-jerk reactions after a good, school shooting. It never fails.
Germany wanted to ban some guns around a year or two ago and a mass school shooting conveniently happened.

Also, almost every shooting involves kids who use mind-akterning and/or mood drugs like Prozac which in the wrong amount can make people very violent. I'm going to look into some research somebody did on the topic withing the next month.
Sad. Looks like someone didn't like being bullied.
The meaning of life is in a child's face, It is with us to make it a happy place.
I thought about killing some people when I was in school. I was harassed and tormented unmercifully day after day because I was fat. It was non-stop torture for 6 or so hours a day for years. I thought about killing some of these bastards and they would have deserved it. But thankfully I wasn’t on any of the drugs that the kids are on today which seems to be the difference. I wasn’t violent and wasn’t on the School’s drugs so I squeaked by.

Then I moved to another school during my late HS years where a bastard used to throw apples at me. When you move on that late it’s really hard to make friends since everybody has their own clique. It was really tough getting by in a new school at that age and since we lived in a new development (area) where most of the families were young with young children so I didn’t have anybody to hang around with or make friends with. Fortunately, I moved back to my old school after a few months. I then moved into a crowd where nobody would piss with me since I made best friends with the toughest SOB in the school. If that bastard would have thrown a few more apples at me then I’m afraid he’d be dodging some 9MM rounds if he was lucky since I couldn’t do anything by myself when they had a crowd of people.

But that was years ago and I’ve been cultured since.
Shooting or stabbing someone is genetically related to a sucker punch. You were not at the end of their rope.

Kids need other kids. Kids need to be around older and younger kids so they can learn how to interact with both. Without other kids everything is up in the air.

School shootings have little to do with guns. Blacks probably have more access to weapons than suburban whites yet it is a "White" crime. That's because blacks are involved with other kids and siblings. The streets might not be easy but they don't allow you to fester alone behind a locked bedroom door at ten years old.
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