We did voice our concern at Vooms site about a month ago. They said they would take note of it and pass the suggestion along. I just wanted to post here too to see if others felt the same way. Now that they have HGTV...all my wife really cares about is FoodNetwork and NOGGIN!!! I have to say I miss noggin too!! I think Voom might underestimate the subscribers that won't convert until their kids programming is on Voom. When you think about it, what other market audience is primarily utilizing the television during the typical workday hours other than children. Out of 120 available workweek hours, 1/3 of those are daytime hours that I would assume are being watched primarily by audiences of children, another 1/3 of those hours are used for sleep, and the other 1/3 are for adolescent & adults to get everything else done in life including watch TV. SO, who is the largest market dedicated to the most tV time...the stay at home children!!! I would think that most of the stay at home moms (and dads) are tuned into what best educates their children (I would hope anyway). The children do not have the purchasing power...but their parents certainly do. Not having Noggin was the one thing that made me almost not switch. I made the switch assuming that it would come eventually and I'm hopeful it still will. I'm not complaining...just hoping!!! I know Voom can't be everything to everyone...the market will decide that, but they must know how to capture their markets. Not every company does.