An Open Letter to Charlie


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 18, 2004
Below is the text of the email I just sent to We'll see what kind of response I get back, if any:

After nearly six years as a DISH subscriber, I’ve had enough. I’ve had enough promises that aren’t kept. I’ve had enough of CSRs that don’t know as much about my system as I do. I’ve had enough of “upgrades” to my system that cause it to work worse. I’ve had enough of rate increases that make your service more expensive than cable. I’ve had enough of being told that my unhappiness concerns your people, only to have them tell me that they can’t (read won’t) do anything about it. Comcast is going to take my dish and a receiver off of my hands, and I’ll sell the other one on eBay. Want to know the specifics? Try these:

• I’ve been buying your most expensive package for several years. It keeps getting more expensive. Comcast will provide me with 4 receivers, one of them a DVR that actually works like it’s supposed to for about $30 less a month than what I pay you. When I tell this to your CSR, and ask them what they’re willing to do about it to keep this unhappy customer the only answer I get is that they’ll offer me a one-time, $50 credit. Charlie, that’s almost as insulting and lame as the useless free pay per view coupon you send out every time you raise my rates. Am I supposed to just forget about the fact that it will take less than two months to get that $50 savings from Comcast? And I’ll keep getting the price break from Comcast month after month.

• I bought my second 721 about 6 months ago, right before the “upgrade” that ruined my receivers with the infuriating reminder that time-shifted programs would have to be made live before I can change the channel. One of the reasons I bought it was because you promised NBR. And now you’ve pulled that rug out from underneath me. My 721 receivers, which used to be my pride and joy, are now just annoying pieces of junk, thanks to the “upgrades” that your techs keep pushing down. And the one upgrade that I want, that was promised to me, name based recording, will now never happen on my 721. I feel like you lied to me, Charlie. And do you know why? Because you did.

• That six-month old 721 mentioned above is actually the fourth one I’ve had in the last six months. And every one of them craps out. In fact, this one froze up and rebooted on me last night for no reason. After rebooting it twice I finally got it to come back up, after I missed the program that I was trying to watch. Didn’t matter though, since your PVR/DVR receivers just keep getting louder and more annoying. I can’t stand to watch the one in my bedroom for more than a few minutes at a time, because the noise it puts out gives me a headache. Heck, I have to turn the TV up all the way just to drown out the cooling fan and hard drive. Oh, by the way, last time I had the PVR replaced I had your people send out a tech to install the replacement, thinking that maybe he might have better luck, or know something more about installing it than me. Well, two techs showed up, Charlie, and I ended up having to tell them how to install it, because I knew more about it than they did!! Utterly ridiculous.

I keep hearing all of these ambiguous statements about enhancements and service improvements, but they’re like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I keep seeing them out there on the horizon, but they never get any closer. In fact, things just seem to get worse.

There was a time when I told everyone to buy DISH, and I was proud that your satellite dish was on the back of my house. No more, Charlie. I will be telling anyone who asks to avoid DISH like the plague. If you don't care enough about your reputation to protect it, I won't let you ruin mine.

I’d like to believe that DISH still wants to be the best, and that you value my business enough to do what it takes to rehabilitate your reputation in my eyes. If you do, Charlie, please contact me. If not, just ignore this email, and let me become another drop of water in the alarmingly growing flood of subscribers who are seeing the light and leaving DISH for better alternatives. My contact information is below:
It will be interesting to see if they respond (I doubt it). When I left E* I also sent them an e-mail saying basically many of the same things, and also that I was a $120+/month customer and never heard a peep back.
Apparently Dish doesn't care who leaves

If they do get back to you be careful about what they say. I sent a similar letter (although not nearly as well done) and got an email back from a Jason Utz.

After a few emails he called me and said they'd swap out my 811 for a 921 if I stayed. He confirmed my shipping address, etc and that's the last I ever heard from him. I couldn't get through to him and eventually found out he was not available for 5 weeks.

I sent another email to the "ceo" address including all the above and this time was contacted by a Judd Strictland. He told me he had talked to Jason and that they thought the 921 had already been sent to me but to please give him 48 hours to straighten it out.

Next day he called and said that Dish was not going to do ANYTHING. No 921 had been sent nor would it be. He said I could buy one for the same $549 deal everyone else could get but he wouldn't even give me one red cent credit for my 811 towards it. 8 year, $125/mo customer and they'll do NOTHING.

When I didn't hear back from Jason, I posted a little about it here and got a PM from a Technical Operations Analyst at Dish who monitors this forum. I let him know what had happened and he said he'd pass all this on to the manager of the "EODN" dept - whatever that is. He was told by the lady that she'd look over the whole file and then contact me. That was two days ago and I've not heard a thing.

waltinvt\ said:
If they do get back to you be careful about what they say. I sent a similar letter (although not nearly as well done) and got an email back from a Jason Utz.

After a few emails he called me and said they'd swap out my 811 for a 921 if I stayed. He confirmed my shipping address, etc and that's the last I ever heard from him. I couldn't get through to him and eventually found out he was not available for 5 weeks.

I sent another email to the "ceo" address including all the above and this time was contacted by a Judd Strictland. He told me he had talked to Jason and that they thought the 921 had already been sent to me but to please give him 48 hours to straighten it out.

Next day he called and said that Dish was not going to do ANYTHING. No 921 had been sent nor would it be. He said I could buy one for the same $549 deal everyone else could get but he wouldn't even give me one red cent credit for my 811 towards it. 8 year, $125/mo customer and they'll do NOTHING.

When I didn't hear back from Jason, I posted a little about it here and got a PM from a Technical Operations Analyst at Dish who monitors this forum. I let him know what had happened and he said he'd pass all this on to the manager of the "EODN" dept - whatever that is. He was told by the lady that she'd look over the whole file and then contact me. That was two days ago and I've not heard a thing.


EODN is Executive Offices of Dish Network

I contacted them multiple times before i left
Comcast has been called

I have an installation date of 1/29, so DISH better start kissing my you-know-what if they want to keep my $110 per month, credit card autopay business. After the Comcast truck drives away with my satellite dish Charlie will never get a cent from me unless I drop it in his styrofoam cup while he's panhandling on the 16th Street Mall.

If E* doesn't value my business enough to do something dramatic for me to temper my bad experiences, the only satellite dish that will ever mount on my house again will be DirecTV (if they come out with a really nice DVR and plenty of HDTV channels).

Charlie, the clock is ticking.
rdlink said:
I have an installation date of 1/29, so DISH better start kissing my you-know-what if they want to keep my $110 per month, credit card autopay business. After the Comcast truck drives away with my satellite dish Charlie will never get a cent from me unless I drop it in his styrofoam cup while he's panhandling on the 16th Street Mall.

If E* doesn't value my business enough to do something dramatic for me to temper my bad experiences, the only satellite dish that will ever mount on my house again will be DirecTV (if they come out with a really nice DVR and plenty of HDTV channels).

Charlie, the clock is ticking.

Dude, Charlie is a billionaire. It won't be money that motivates him. It will be pride. I would think the fact that he is losing to cable and D* would be motivation but he may have lost the competitive drive. If so, he should step down and let Jim or someone from the outside take the reins.
glenn z said:
Dude, Charlie is a billionaire. It won't be money that motivates him. It will be pride. I would think the fact that he is losing to cable and D* would be motivation but he may have lost the competitive drive. If so, he should step down and let Jim or someone from the outside take the reins.

Charlie is a billionaire now... Remember, his worth is largely tied to E* value. Every time E* stock goes down, as a result of lost revenue and shrinking market share, Charlie loses millions of dollars on paper.

And if I tell 7 friends, and they tell 7 friends, and they tell 7 friends...

The drops have turned into rivulets. The rivulets will turn into streams, which will turn into a raging river. The key is to stop the flow while it's still rivulets.
waltinvt\ said:
If they do get back to you be careful about what they say. I sent a similar letter (although not nearly as well done) and got an email back from a Jason Utz.

After a few emails he called me and said they'd swap out my 811 for a 921 if I stayed. He confirmed my shipping address, etc and that's the last I ever heard from him. I couldn't get through to him and eventually found out he was not available for 5 weeks.

I sent another email to the "ceo" address including all the above and this time was contacted by a Judd Strictland. He told me he had talked to Jason and that they thought the 921 had already been sent to me but to please give him 48 hours to straighten it out.

Next day he called and said that Dish was not going to do ANYTHING. No 921 had been sent nor would it be. He said I could buy one for the same $549 deal everyone else could get but he wouldn't even give me one red cent credit for my 811 towards it. 8 year, $125/mo customer and they'll do NOTHING.

When I didn't hear back from Jason, I posted a little about it here and got a PM from a Technical Operations Analyst at Dish who monitors this forum. I let him know what had happened and he said he'd pass all this on to the manager of the "EODN" dept - whatever that is. He was told by the lady that she'd look over the whole file and then contact me. That was two days ago and I've not heard a thing.


I was in contact with Jason for around a week period back in October. He did nothing but what I wanted. All around good guy IMO. He got me my leased 811 even though I hadnt been a Sub for over a year. I've been with dish a year and 3 months now, and unlike most fo you I have not really had a problem, because I only own a 811, 510, and 301.
rdlink said:
Charlie is a billionaire now... Remember, his worth is largely tied to E* value. Every time E* stock goes down, as a result of lost revenue and shrinking market share, Charlie loses millions of dollars on paper.

Thats not entirely true. Charlie only owns about 250,000 shares now (Im sure he will receive more as time comes with bonuses, etc.) He has sold almost 2 million of his shares in the last two years.

Whereas Jim DeFranco still holds almost 5 million shares.
StevenD said:
Thats not entirely true. Charlie only owns about 250,000 shares now (Im sure he will receive more as time comes with bonuses, etc.) He has sold almost 2 million of his shares in the last two years.

Whereas Jim DeFranco still holds almost 5 million shares.

Well, it sounds like Charlie is quickly becoming irrelevant to E*. In any event, my original post, and my letter were addressed to Charlie only because he is the face of E*. I knew when I wrote it that his eyes would more than likely never see it.
korsjs said:

congrats on you purchase of the voom satellite.

Yeah Charlie, maybe you can use the new bandwidth to broadcast another monthly customer information show for your subscribers, on which you can have a peanut gallery of uncomfortable looking techs try to explain why they still can't deliver on the promises you made on the monthly customer information show six months ago, and break the news that the promises made a year ago have been cancelled.

Or maybe we can get some Lithuanian movie channels. Or perhaps some more religious arts and crafts shopping channels...

I see July's letter already: "Please understand dear customer, the hardware is the most expensive part of our service, and our continuing efforts in this regard are the reason why we're raising your rates again."

Possable solutions for E* with one dish solution

Aquiring Satellite Message

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