Yes, thanks.
What I’m looking for is the Goto X function within the DiSEqC 1.2 area. Normally it goes along with the Goto Reference option.
Basically it just allows you to drive the motor to one of the positions that is already stored in the motor, without actually saving anything.
Here is an example where I have found the function useful.
I will use the DiSEqC 1.2 commands on my GTMedia meter finder out at the dish to dial in one sat and store that into position 1.
Then do the same for a couple more sats and store in positions 2 and 3.
For weaker transponders, I find the diagnostics screen on my GTMedia meter better for peaking exactly where I want.
Now that I have positions 1, 2 and 3 saved exactly where I want in the motor, I hook up the STB and I want to save those exact positions into the DiSEqC 1.2 setup. So I would use the Goto X function to drive the motor to position 1. The motor moves the dish to position 1 that was previously stored into the motor by the meter. Then I can save that as position 1 on the STB.
Then, I would use the GotoX function to drive the motor to position 2 that was previously stored by the meter. Then save that as position 2 on the STB.
Repeat for position 3, and so forth.
It’s not a huge deal, obviously there are other ways to do it. If I want to use my meter to peak the signal using DiSEqC 1.2 and store a position, I would just need to immediately hook up the STB afterwards and save that position and make sure the dish does not move before saving.
Anyway, I was just wondering if there was some screen I was missing on the Mini where that GotoX function resides, but I’m thinking it doesn’t have it. Not a big deal, it’s still a great little STB!