If it's anything like 3ABN Latino or HOPE channel International feeds, LLBN's foreign language channels should be a totally separate programming line up.
Concerning "Amazing Facts" vs "Amazing Discoveries", there's only so much of Doug Batchelor programming and it looks like Amazing Facts is airing nearly everything thus far but I haven't watched it in length to see if they broadcast any of his "Amazing Discoveries" series videos. If Amazing Discoveries is limited to only the "Amazing Discoveries" series, then it would be boring to see re-runs within it's limitations unless they plan on adding other content or combine it with either other existing Doug Batchelor prophecy serie's or new programming. It would be sensless for them to overlap with same programming on two networks. They will need to be creative to capture an audience's attention. It seems to me that they jumped the gun without much planning in advance and now they're scrambling to conjure up something to broadcast. Although, 3ABN and HOPE TV started out the same way and eventually created new programming. Amazing Facts has a lot of work to do if they want these networks to be successful. Everything that Amazing Facts is broadcasting has already been aired on 3ABN, HOPE and other National and International networks, therefore they're already re-runs.