Adding 2nd LNB help :-)

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 10, 2006
Waterloo, Iowa
WEll, sunny out, so am attempring to add 2nd lnb. Here are the tp's I am coming up with:

11719 H 30000
11876 H 30000
11920 H 30000

11996 H 30000
any idea where I am at and where I need to be to get IA7? THANKS!!!!!!!!
damn dude...closest sat with something like that looks like Satmex 5 (116.8)

You have the LNB on thr correct side, right? (the 2nd LNB needs to be to the EAST of the G10 one...if you're behind the dish, it would be to the LEFT)

I checked mine the other day and it was about 3/4" or so away from the other LNB. It depends on the LNB's :)
AHHHHHHHHHH! STUPID ME! From behind, I put it on the right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will go back and put it on the left! I could only get 20% max signal. I started to put everything away, as I been working 2.5 hours on this all ready :) THANKS!!!!!!!! I will go try it on the other side.!!!!!!!!!!!

when working with multiple LNB's, they go BACKWARDS from their spot in the sky due to the reflection

so if the satellite is farther west than the current, it goes on the LEFT (from behind the dish)

Satmex5 is a bugger to get the farther north you go so 20% is about right.
That makes sense now! My Dish 500 has the lnb marked 119 on the left and 110 on the right ( from behind) I thought maybe I but in the bracket backwards. Got it on the correct side now, nothing comes up so taking tv back to roof :) will be back ;-)

I am doing a blind scan now, as when I did the scan as per yur instructions, I got nothing so I must be on a wrong sat. So far I have 11876 V 30000 showing up. Will advise.
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Here is what I am getting:

11876 V 30000
12079 V 30000
11724 H 26781
11779 H 26781
11989 H 2821
12094 H 30000
11920 H 30000
OK< scan done, I got 3 channels. PAC1 at about 33%, CH16 - shows test pattern and a $ in menu, and Star Network TV - but audio only, cuts in and out and the menu bar shows "ttx". I am at 20% strength. Any ideas?
iafirebuff said:
Here is what I am getting:

11876 V 30000
12079 V 30000
11724 H 26781
11779 H 26781
11989 H 2821
12094 H 30000
11920 H 30000

ya got a mix of H1 (127) and IA7 (129)

the one you ewant is 11989 H 2821. In the setup, move to that transponder and just try and peak it best you can. No need to blind scan since you found the transponder
since you're 1/2 way between the two move it away from the other LNB ever so slightly and raise it ever so slightly too to lock it in better.

Best I could get the other day on mine was a 45-48 on the 2nd LNB
OK, went to the star network tp, tweaked it so that it is going between 40-46%. I can only get the audio channels for Star Network. Cant get the video. Do you have any idas what I am doing wrong? I am doing a scan now, just to see what all comes up - gotta tidy up a bit :)
black screen here too :(

So Larry did you hook it up the way I sent you so that G10 is on the 0K side of the 22k switch and IA& is oin the 22k side. Just want to make sure that it works flawlessly :)
Iwill go make sure. I was having some problems with the switch settings. I thought once you set it, it was good to go. But you have to set each side. Should I use auto or on? Thanks Ice and PSB for the black screen update! I been pulling hair :)

Iforgot to look at signal strength before I started - retro is on at 33-40% and my higher ones are 80-86%. Star Net is 40-46%. I have a correction on my elevation. It is indeed 35 not 40. Will go check the switch :)

ok, I had the g10 on the 22k so I swapped them - seems to work smooooth now - if I can get video :)
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in the settings, for G10 the 22k should be "off" and on IA7 it should be to "on"

also, StarNet uses right audio channel 1. Left audio is something else (thats what you're hearing) ans there is a 2nd audio too
ok, great ! I got the settings as such. THANK YOU again for all your help. Now if Star Network would pump me some video :)

I just rescanned both sats since I cleared out the memory. I see Star Network is at 53-60%. Still just the audios though.
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