Hi everyone! New to all of this and from this site I found my system was set up wrong! Thanks for the info. Now to my problem,I have a H24 DVR STB. I tried hooking a actiontec wireless hdmi system to the dvr and through my home theater receiver which is a onkyo tx-sr876. With the H24 hooked directly to the receiver with hdmi everything is fine but with the actiontec set up remote set works fine but I lose my surround audio. Actiontec is blaming the onkyo for the problem? Does that sound right? I know it has to do with dhcp but is it the onkyo or the H24 that is having the issues? MWTV200kit claims to support dhcp 2.0 is that backwards compatible? If anyone has a better solution on how to get pic. to other rooms without extra stbs I'm all ears. Thanks again for the information I have already learned from this site.